Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Base Knowledge

Microbiology and Immunology

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical lessons will be expository with resource to articles, discussion and presentations.

The practical classes will be taught in the laboratory with execution of laboratory techniques/commercial kits applied to diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases. Sampling and observation of material animal origin with importance for diagnosis.

Identification of worms, cysts, larval forms. Execution of classical coprological techniques.

Learning Results



1. Describes the major infectious and parasitic diseases of production animals, namely the emerging diseases; relates etiopathogenesis to symptoms and lesions; relates epidemiology to control measures.

2. Describes the major infectious and parasitic diseases of companion animals; relates etiopathogenesis to symptoms and lesions; relates epidemiology to control measures.

3. Identifies parasitic forms in secretions and tissues.
4. Relate the most important animal diseases in public health and relate it with personal and environmental protection measures.


1. Main infectious and parasitic diseases of production animals: etiology, symptoms, epidemiology and control. Rabies. Foot-and-mouth disease. Tuberculosis. Brucellosis. Pasteurellosis. Salmonellosis. Colibacillosis. Leptospirosis. Listeriosis. Clostridiosis. Paratuberculosis. Mastitis. Chlamydiosis. Bird viruses. BVD, IBR/BHV. Blue tongue. Gastrointestinal worms of ruminants. Fasciolosis, Echinococcosis. Coccidiosis, Piroplasmosis. Trichinellosis. Anisaquiasis.
2. Major infectious and parasitic diseases of pets: etiology, symptoms, epidemiology and control – Feline Leucosis and Immunodeficiency, Panleukopenia, Infectious coryza, Infectious peritonitis. Distemper. Parvovirus. Infectious hepatitis. Canine herpesvirus. Lyme disease. Kennel cough. Dermatomycosis, Scabies, Leishmaniasis, Neosporiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Giardiasis, Cryptosporidiosis. Gastrointestinal worms. Dirofilariasis. zoonoses. Antibiograms. Necropsy. Identification of parasitic forms. Tuberculin test. Commercial Kits applied to animal diseases.


Curricular Unit Teachers




lorin-Christensen, M., Schnittger, L. (Eds.) (2018).Parasitic Protozoa of Farm Animals and Pets.ISBN 978-3-319-70132-5. [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved from C. Infectious diseases of the dog and cat. 4th. Ed., W.B. Sounders, 2011.Hendrix, C.M. (2017). Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Techniciens. Ed.Robinson, C.V.T. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-38982-2. Kahn, C. (Editor) (2010). The Merck Veterinary Manual. 10th Ed. Merck & CO, Inc. Ortega, R.Y., Sterling, C.R.(Eds) (2018).Foodborne Parasites.Food Microbiology and Food Safety. Research and Development. Springer International Publishing.ISBN 978-3-319-67662-3. Radostitis O.M., Gay C.C.,Blood D.C. Hinchcliff K.W., Veterinary Medicine, W.B.Saunders, Harcourt Publishers Ltd, 10th Edition, 2006. Swayne, D.E. (2013).Diseases of Poultry, 13th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell. Taylor,M.A., Wall, R.L.,Coop, R.L.(2017). Parasitologia Veterinária. (4.ªEdição).Guanabara Koogan.ISBN: 9788527731829.