
Base Knowledge

There is no need for prior basic knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures with presentation and analysis of the contents, with application examples.

Practical lessons with resolution of exercises on spreadsheets, including programming in VBA.

Learning Results

It is intended that the student develops the following skills: using computational techniques; apprehension, analysis and synthesis capacity; problem solving ability; ability to apply knowledge and adapt to new situations; ability to perform autonomous and group work; development of learning autonomy; ability to predict and issue judgments; and, in particular, to learn to use a spreadsheet with programming. It is also intended that the student develops skills to use computer science as an instrument for analyzing and solving engineering problems.


I.  Excel Basics.

    Working interface.

    Data edition.

    Data formatting.

    Sort and filter data.

    Formulas and functions.



    Dynamic tables and charts.

II. Programming Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and creating macros.

    Command macros.

    Function macros.

    Macro edition (Visual Basic for Applications).

    VBA procedures.


    Control structures.

    User-defined event procedures.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - 2º Teste - 50.0%
  • - 1º Teste - 50.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%




Recommended Bibliography:

•  SOUSA, M. J. (2010). Fundamental do Excel 2010. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-237)

•  MARQUES, P. C. (2010). Exercícios de Excel 2010. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-238)

•  ALVES, J. (2010). Excel 2010 – Guia de Consulta Rápida. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-231)

•  CARVALHO, A. (2018). Automatização em Excel : 69 exercícios. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-257)

•  CARVALHO, A. (2017). Gráficos com Excel : 95 exercícios. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-247)

•  CARVALHO, A. (2017). Cálculos elementares com Excel : 74 exercícios. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-246)

•  LOUREIRO, H. (2007). Excel 2007 Macros & VBA. FCA Editora (available at ISEC Library: 1A-3-228)

Complementary Bibliography:

•  MARQUES, P., COSTA, N. (2013). Fundamental do Excel 2013. FCA Editora

•  LOUREIRO, H. (2013). Excel 2013 Macros & VBA. FCA Editora

•  WALKENBACH, J. (2010). Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA. Wiley Pub.