Information and Communication Technologies

Base Knowledge

There are none.

Teaching Methodologies

The contents of the course are presented through examples with discussion. (Expositive Method)

Students solve exercises to practice solving different types of problems. (Experimental Method)

Learning Results

After attending this course, it is expected that each student knows how to

  • Search, process and communicate information through new information and communication technologies;
  • Efficiently use (create, edit, save and print files from) different IT tools autonomously;
  • Solve different types of problems, namely data analysis and processing, on the computer;
  • Use spreadsheets to automate calculations and procedures;
  • Develop simple functions in VBA in Excel;
  • Integrate different Office tools by importing and exporting data.


1. Text Processing (Word)
a. Editing, correction and formatting of texts
b. Page setup
c. Creating tables
d. Insertion of objects: images, graphics,…
e. Advanced functions: document printing, document template creation, task automation (automatic text correction, automatic title configuration and numbering, indexes)

2. Multimedia Presentation Utility (Powerpoint)
a. Inserting and editing the template document
b. Inserting and formatting text
c. Text, Drawing and Graphics Tools
d. Effects (transitions and animations)

3. Spreadsheet (Excel)
a. Cell editing
b. Cell formatting
c. Formulas and functions (mathematics, date and time, query and reference, text and information)
d. Lists and series
e. Relative, absolute and mixed references
f. Charts
g. User defined functions in VBA
h. Data import and export

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Final Evaluation
  • - Practical test - 100.0%
Periodic evaluation
  • - Work - 50.0%
  • - Practical test - 50.0%




Carvalho, A. (2008). Programação com excel para economia & gestão. FCA.

Carvalho, A. (2012). Exercícios resolvidos com excel para economia & gestão. FCA.

Martins, A. (2020). Excel aplicado à gestão: Exemplos resolvidos. Sílabo.

Sousa, S. & Sousa, M. (2014). Microsoft office 2010 para todos nós. FCA.

Wilson, K. (2020). Using excel 2019: The step-by-step guide. Elluminet Press.

Wilson, K. (2020). Using word 2019: The step-by-step guide. Elluminet Press.