Initiation in Clinical Dietetics

Base Knowledge

Nutritional status in the life cycle: assessment methods. Nutritional risk assessment.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit consists of Theoretical-Practical (30) and Practical (30) sessions. During the theoretical-practical classes, the syllabus will be addressed, discussed and exemplified by means of various teaching-learning methodologies, being more used the expository, expository-argumentative and demonstrative methods. In practical classes, the contents covered in theoretical-practical classes will be applied, collecting and interpreting data on food consumption and nutritional status and simulating the clinical intervention of the nutritionist.

Learning Results

This curricular unit aims to provide students with skills that allow them to use with proficiency fundamental tools for the exercise of the future profession in a hospital context. Thus, at the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Recognize the organic of a Hospital Nutrition Service, considering the procedures inherent to a professional of that service;

2. Develop strategies for establishing the nutritional diagnosis of individuals in an outpatient, inpatient or home support regime;

3. Apply the principles of clinical nutrition to carry out a well-founded and based nutrition consultation and scientific evidence in an outpatient, inpatient or home care setting;

4. Integrate multidisciplinary health care teams, respecting their position as a nutrition professional, as well as others.


I. The Nutrition Service

1. Nutritional assistance activities.

2.Diet Manual.

3.Quality management in the field of clinical nutrition.

4. Multidisciplinary committees


II. Nutritional intervention on an outpatient, inpatient or home support basis

1. Nutritional diagnosis:

1.1 Nutritional risk assessment;

1.2 Assessment of nutritional status;

1.3 Assessment of food intake and nutritional intake;

2. Ethical considerations inherent in carrying out the Clinical Nutrition consultation

3. Clinical Nutrition consultation protocol:

3.1 Calculation of nutritional needs;

3.2 Diet advice;

3.3 Prescription of personalized food and nutritional therapy.

3.4 Monitoring of nutritional status and adherence to nutritional therapy

3.5 Referral / discharge of consultation

4. Multidisciplinary health care delivery teams.



Techniques for conducting food intake assessment surveys

Nutritional status assessment techniques

Nutritional risk assessment techniques

Clinical nutrition consultation simulation based on cases

Curricular Unit Teachers





INSA, Tabela de composição dos alimentos portuguesa (2007). Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge

Shils, M. E., Shike, M., Ross, A.C., Caballero, B., Cousins, R.J.. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease (10ª ed.). Philadelphia, New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Rolfes, S. et al (2009). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition (8ªed). Wadsworth, USA: Cengage Learning

Lee Robert D.; Nutritional assessment. ISBN: 978-007-132636-0

Frisancho A. Roberto; Anthropometric standards. ISBN: 978-0-472-11591-4

HOLLI, Betsy B. ; BETO, Judith A. – Nutrition counseling and education skills: a guide for professionals. 7th edition. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health, cop. 2018. xi, 447 p.. ISBN 978-1-4963-6824-9