Insolvency Law

Base Knowledge

Basic Knowledge of legal concepts.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology used will favor the active participation of students, in a dynamic that will be based on the following methodological and technical procedures: Affirmative method: presentation of basic information by the teacher (expository and demonstrative). Interrogative method: critical analysis and discussion of selected texts that exemplify concepts, methods, techniques and procedures presented. Active method: teaching by discovery, resolution and discussion of case studies.

  Questions are asked during the exhibition and digital platforms are used. Debates/discussions will be promoted in class and case studies will be resolved in the classroom, as already mentioned. The current and relevant jurisprudence on the subjects taught will always be analyzed


Learning Results

The student must master the principles that inform Insolvency Law and know the procedure for insolvency. The student should understand the position of the insolvency bodies throughout the process, as well as the existing legal solutions that constitute an alternative to insolvency.



I – Introduction

– The situation of insolvency

 II – The insolvent

 III – Proceedings of the process

 IV – Judgment declaring insolvency

 V – Effects of the declaration of insolvency

 VI – Insolvency bodies

 VII – Complaint, verification and grading of credits

 VIII – Settlement of the asset

 IX – Administration of the insolvent estate by the debtor

 X – Payment

 XI – Closing of the process

 XII – Qualification of insolvency

 XIII – The insolvency plan

 XIV – The special revitalization process

 XV – Extrajudicial regime for the recovery of companies

 XVI – Disclaimer of remaining liabilities

 XVII – Payment plan

 XVIII – Insolvency of both spouses


Curricular Unit Teachers





– Soveral Martins, Alexandre de, Um curso de direito da insolvência, Vol. I, 4.ª edição revista e atualizada, Coimbra, Almedina, 2022;


– Carvalho Fernandes, Luís e Labareda, João, Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas, Anotado, Lisboa, Quid Juris, 2015;

– M. Martins, Luís, Processo de insolvência, 4.ª Edição, Coimbra Almedina, 2016;
– Menezes Leitão, Adelaide, Direito da Insolvência, Lisboa, AAFDL Editora, 2017;
– Menezes Leitão, Luís, Direito da insolvência, 11.ª edição, Coimbra, Almedina, 2023;
– Rosário Epifânio, Maria do, Manual de Direito da Insolvência, reimpressão da 8ª edição, Coimbra,
Almedina, 2022;
– Rosário Epifânio, Maria do, O Processo Especial de Revitalização, Coimbra, Almedina, 2016;
– Serra, Catarina, O Regime Português da Insolvência , Coimbra; Almedina 2012;
-Serra, Catarina, Lições de Direito da Insolvência, 2ª edição, Coimbra, Almedina, 2021