Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical classes with informatic support, theoretical-practical classes with discussion, laboratory classes with informatic support, group learning, brainstorming.
Learning Results
Acquaint students with the importance that experimental methods can have in solving engineering problems and provide training that allows them to operate, configure and select measurement systems.
Foster the development of new skills associated with experimental work, namely problem identification, assembly planning, analysis and synthesis of information.
Acquaint students with fundamental concepts about systems control theory.
Apply acquired knowledge in the resolution of theoretical-practical exercises and several laboratory works.
Analyse and design control systems.
Instrumentation module
1. Applications of measurement systems
Introduction. Process monitoring. Control of operations and processes. Investigation and development.
2. Functional description of measurement systems and general definitions
Introduction. Analog and digital operating modes. Relationships between input and output signals in measurement systems.
3. Static characteristics of measurement systems
Calibration. Minimum squares method. Accuracy, precision and systematic error. Sensitivity, linearity and stability. Measurement field, measurement threshold and resolution. Traceability. Causes and types of experimental errors. Uncertainty analysis. Chauvenet’s criterion. Combination of errors in a measurement system. Direct and reverse problem.
4. Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems
Generalized mathematical model of the response of a measurement system. Zero-order systems. Characterization of zero-order systems (static sensitivity). First-order systems. Characterization of first-order systems (static sensitivity and time constant). Second-order systems. Response to step function, ramp and sinusoid input signals. Characteristic times in the dynamic response of measurement systems. Time constant, time of establishment, time of growth.
5. Thermal measurements
Units. Measurement methods: Dilation of liquids. Bimetallic elements. Gas at constant volume. Pressure thermometers. Term resistances. Thermistors. Radiative methods: radiation fundamentals, radiation detectors, optical pyrometers, infrared thermography. Heat flow meters.
6. Kinematic measurements
Introduction. Fundamental quantities and norms. Displacement measurement: resistive potentiometers, electrical strain gauges, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, Hall effect, variable transformers (LVDTs), encoders (tachometers, incremental and absolute), ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, optical methods. Velocity measurement: displacement differentiation, tachometers, stroboscopic methods, AC and DC generators, optical and magnetic pulse counters, “Flyball” and “Drag-cup” type angular velocity sensors. Acceleration measurement: accelerometers (piezoresistive, piezoelectric, with strain gauges, variable reluctance, LVDTs).
7. Force, torque and power
Standards and Units. Basic force measurement methods. Elastic transducers. Strain gauge load cells, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, variable reluctance, with LVDTs. Multicomponent cells. Torque measurement on rotating shafts. Mechanical power measurement.
8. Pressure
Units. Absolute and relative scales. Static and dynamic pressure. Static calibration of pressure transducers. Pressure gauges. Bourdon Tube. Diaphragm, bellows, caps, cylinder pressure gauge. Piezoelectric transducers. Pressure switches. Generic specifications.
9. Flow velocity
Pressure probes: Pitot-Prandtl tube, multi-hole directional probes. Hotwire/film anemometry. Doppler effect laser velocimetry (LDA).
10. Flowmeters
Variable pressure drop gauges (holes, nozzles, Venturi tubes). Average Pitot Tube. Rotameters. Positive displacement, turbine, electromagnetic, ultrasound, vortex generator, drag force meters. Mass flow meters.
Control module
1. Mathematical Fundamentals
Direct and inverse Laplace transform.
Solving differential equations.
Transfer functions.
Block diagrams. Open-loop. Closed-loop. Closed-loop with disturbance. Block diagram algebra. Block diagram reduction. Non-interlocking, interlocking and multi-entry rings.
2. Introduction to control systems
Definitions and examples.
Open-loop control system and disturbances, closed-loop control system. Open-loop vs. Closed-loop.
3. Analysis of temporal responses
1st order systems. Response to a unitary step, unitary impulse and unitary ramp input.
2nd order systems. Damping coefficient and natural frequency. Root location in the complex plane.
Specifications of the response of a 2nd order system to a unitary step input.
4. Basic control actions
Proportional (P), proportional and integral (PI), proportional and derivative (PD) and proportional, integral and derivative (PID) control actions.
5. Mathematical modelling of physical systems
Types of control systems. Time-varying and time-invariant linear control systems.
Mechanical translation systems; Mechanical rotation systems; Level control systems; Thermal systems.
6. Stability of linear systems
Methods for determining stability. Routh Stability Criteria.
7. Error analysis
Error analysis in steady state.
8. Analysis and construction of control systems using Matlab/Simulink.
9. Application examples, with special emphasis on systems related to areas of specialization.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Instrumentation module
Recommended Bibliography:
• PowerPoint slides (available at the InforEstudante academic platform)
• DOEBELIN, E. O. (1990). Measurement Systems: application and design (4ª ed.). McGraw Hill (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-282)
• HOLMAN, J. P. (1989). Experimental Methods for Engineers (5ª ed.) McGraw Hill (available at ISEC Library: 4-6-80)
• SILVA, G. (2004). Instrumentação Industrial. Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-320 e 1-6-321)
Complementary Bibliography:
• GUEDES, P. (2011). Metrologia Industrial. ETEP
Control module
Recommended Bibliography:
• PowerPoint slides (available at the InforEstudante academic platform)
• OGATA, K. (1997). Engenharia de Controle Moderno (4ª ed.). Pearson/Prentice Hall do Brasil. (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-231)
• BISHOP, R. (1997). Modern Control Systems Analysis and Design Using Matlab and Simulink. Addison-Wesley. (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-138)
• LEONARD, N. & LEVINE, W. (1995). Using Matlab to Analyze and Design Control Systems, Addison-Wesley. (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-149)
• KUO, B. (1995). Sistemas de Control Automático. Prentice Hall. (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-289)
• OGATA, K. (2008). Matlab for Control Engineers. Pearson/Prentice Hall. (available at ISEC Library: 1-6-304)
Complementary Bibliography:
• DORF, R. & BISHOP, R. (1998), Modern Control Systems. Addison-Wesley.