Integrated Laboratory I

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of Chemistry

Teaching Methodologies

Laboratory classes where each group conducts an experimental work. Initially the protocol to be followed is introduced and the validity of the preparatory calculations, performed by the students, is checked. Then the students put into practice, with autonomy, the protocol and perform the results treatment, under teacher supervision. During the class the students are questioned to assess their class preparation and enhance the acquired knowledge understanding. At the end of the practical work an oral discussion takes place where the theoretical concepts and results are discussed. The written reports are further analyzed. The evaluation is continuous and takes into account: i) Assessment prior to work preparation and knowledge of safety procedures (15%); ii) written Reports (40%); iii) Performance evaluation in class (20%) iv) individual practical test with a minimum score of 9 values (25%). The final classification is obtained by adding the contributions of the various components.

Learning Results

The main objective of the course is to provide the student with the theoretical foundations and practical learning of Laboratory and Analytical Chemistry, allowing him to put in practice basic concepts taught in theoretical disciplines such as Chemistry. It is intended that students acquire the following competencies: i) ability to conduct group work; ii) ability to organize and manage the work in process; iii) ability to describe (orally and in report form) the performed work and to discuss and analyze the experimental results; iv) ability to correctly use the material and laboratory equipment; v) ability to perform laboratory work in the field of Chemistry (preparing and standardizing solutions, studying the rate of a reaction and the chemical equilibrium, contacting to colligative properties).


Theoretical subjects: Safety rules in laboratory. Graduated glassware and commonly used equipment handling. Statistical evaluation, presentation, interpretation and validation of analytical results. Preparation of solutions. Acid-base, oxidation-reduction and precipitation titrations. Colligative properties.

Experimental work to be done:

1. Calibration of a volumetric pipette and micropipette

2. Preparation and standardization of an aqueous solution of HCl and NaOH

3. Determination of chlorides in milk by precipitation titration

4. Determination of vitamin C by oxidation-reduction titration

5. Preparation of solutions by simple or successive dilutions and check the dilution by spectrophotometry

6. Colligative properties of aqueous solutions

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - CF=(0.1*A+0.05*B+0.4*C+0.2*D+0.25*E) - 100.0%




1. Aléxeev, M. V. (1983). Análise Quantitativa, 3ªEd, Ed Lopes da Silva. (cota 6-3-66)

2. Harris, D. C. (2009). Exploring Chemistry Analysis, 4nd ed., W.H. Freeman and Company.

3. Simões, J. A. M., Castanho, M. A. R. B., Lampreia, I. M. S., Santos, Piedade, M. M., Castro, C. A. N., Pamplona, M.T. e Santos, F. J. V. (2000). Guia do Laboratório de Química e Bioquímica , Lidel. (cota 6-3-8)

4. Skoog, D. A, West, D. M., Holler, F. J., Crouch, S.R. (1970). Fundamentos de Química Analítica. Thomson Learning. (cota 6-3-12)