Base Knowledge
The UC is a complementary subject of the UC Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1st year/2nd semester) and Materials Sciences in Bioengineering (1st year/2nd semester). As such, it is assumed that students attend the two mentioned UCs.
Teaching Methodologies
Laboratory classes where various practical works are carried out in groups of 2 members.
During classes, students are confronted with pertinent questions in order to assess how they prepared to carry out the work and enhance their understanding of the knowledge acquired.
At the end of each work, an oral discussion is held, by group, to discuss the theoretical concepts and laboratory results obtained in the work. The written report is also analyzed.
Learning Results
The general objective of the UC is for students to be able to apply, in a laboratory context, the knowledge learned in the Materials Science UC in Bioengineering and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
1. Work in a group responsibly and safely, respecting safety protocols and the risks involved in different laboratory practices.
2. Program experiences based on objectives to be achieved within a given time.
3. Autonomously carry out simple laboratory procedures such as preparation of solutions, titrations.
4. Operate simple laboratory-scale mixture separation equipment for the identification, separation and quantification of organic compounds.
5. Autonomously carry out laboratory procedures in the area of materials science, such as preparation, modification, manipulation, characterization and functionalization of polymeric materials.
6. Explain the operation of tensile testing equipment.
7. Analyze, treat and criticize experimental results obtained in laboratory tests.
8. Prepare written reports and discuss them orally.
The experimental work to be carried out integrate knowledge of the Materials Science in Bioengineering (Group I) and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology courses (Group II).
Group I
1. Evaluation of mechanical properties of metallic materials by tensile testing.
2. Evaluation of mechanical properties of polymeric and composite materials by tensile testing.
3. Synthesis of a polymer. Modification of a natural polymer.
4. Synthesis and characterization of a hydrogel.
Group II
1. Preparation of reagents and working solutions.
2. Study of properties of buffer solutions and their importance in Bioengineering.
3. Study of the acid-base properties of amino acids.
4. Carbohydrates and Lipids characterization.
Curricular Unit Teachers
1. Smith, W. F. (1998). Princípios de Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais (3ª ed.). Lisboa: McGraw-Hill. (available in the ISEC library)
2. Callister, W. D. (2003). Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (6ª ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. (available in the ISEC library)
3. Park, J. & Lakes, R. S. (2007). Biomaterials: An Introduction (3ª ed.). New York: Springer. (available in the ISEC library)
4. Simões, J. A. M., Lampreia, I., Santos, F., Norberto, M. F., Pamplona, M. T. & Meireles, M. M. (2008). Guia de Laboratório em Química e Bioquímica (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.
5. Wilson, K. & Walker, J. M. (1994). Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry (4ª ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
6. Boyer, R. F. (2006). Concepts in biochemistry (3ª ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, cop.