Interdisciplinary Seminar

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The seminar will be taught by teachers of Didactics P, M, CS, CN and PP EI. Intending to constitute a space for the mobilization and integration of knowledge, it is foreseen the establishment of connections between the contents developed in the different areas in connection with the PE, since it is assumed that the internship in JI will offer opportunities to identify problems and possible themes. to be deepened and reflected upon within the scope of this seminar. The methodology to be used articulates the theoretical and practical components, with a view to the didactic and reflexive construction of an integrated know-how. It includes sessions for the presentation of specific content, study visits, group work aimed at the interdisciplinary elaboration of intervention projects, respective analysis, discussion and reflection. Assessment: Interdisciplinary and grounded elaboration and presentation of intervention projects in EPE (80%)+ Participation in classes (20%)

Learning Results

At the end of the CU the student should be able to:

– Identify what is professional knowledge in the Early Childhood Education

– Adopt a transdisciplinary, systematic and coherent perspective among the current social purposes, educational aspects and pedagogical and didactical actions in the ECE.

– Mobilize specific knowledge of the different domains and content areas, in analyzing aspects of the ECE.

– Infer educational intervention and research clues from interdisciplinary analysis and articulation that provide integrated learning.

– Reflect on the action developed into a systematic and formative perspective.


The specific syllabus in Didactics of Portuguese, Mathematics and World Knowledge will be developed from an integrated and transdisciplinary perspective taking into account the training needs identified by students from their experience in the internship in kindergarten. The syllabus will be organized around three key themes:

1. Curricular integration and its relation with the development students’ new competences in the field of EPE.

2. Principles of educational action, general pedagogical principles, analysis and comparison of alternative curricular-pedagogical models and development and learning assessment.

3. Specific areas of teacher intervention in EPE, related domains of knowledge in the Didactics of Portuguese, Mathematics and World Knowledge, referring to different knowledge, attitudes and practical knowledge.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Presentation / Discussion Intervention Projects in Pre-School Education - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Intervention Projects in Pre-School Education - 40.0%




Braga, F (2004). Planificação. Novos Papéis, novos modelos. Dos projectos de planificação à planificação em projecto. Asa.

Clements, D. & Sarama, J. (2014). Learning and teaching early Math, the learning trajectories approach, second edition. Routledge.

Gardner, J (2012) Assessment and Learning. Sage.

Malavasi, L & Zoccatelli, B (2013). Documentar os projetos nos serviços educativos. APEI. MEPE.

Marchão, A. (2012). No jardim de infância e na escola do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico: Gerir o currículo e criar oportunidades para construir o pensamento crítico. Colibri.

Martins, I (2009). Despertar para a Ciência, Atividades dos 3 aos 6 anos. Ministério da Educação – Direção Geral Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular (DGIDC).

Ritz, W. [edit.] (2007). A head start on science: encouraging a sense of wonder – 89 activities for children ages 3-7.  Virgínia: NSTA

Viana, F. L. & Ribeiro, I., (coords.) (2014). Falar, Ler e Escrever. Propostas integradoras