International Law

Base Knowledge

Some introductory knowledge of law is required, due to the subjects taught throughout the semester.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be eminently expository by the teacher, using slides indicating the direction to follow for the theoretical study of the subjects foreseen in the program.

In addition to the lecturer’s presentation, practical cases will be solved, based on national and European case-law, with the aim of developing the students’ “problem solving skills”, consolidating the exposed material in theoretical terms.

Discussion and participation in class by students will also be encouraged, given the topicality of the themes developed, sometimes resorting to written critical reflections.

Learning Results

Students must master the fundamental concepts inherent to legal matters related to the reality concerning International Law and European Law, towards international trade.

Therefore, they should be able to mobilize legal concepts relating to the instruments used, namely regulations, conventions and basic national legislation.

In addition to consolidated knowledge, students should be able to update their knowledge and legal instruments, bearing in mind that this is an area of legal knowledge that is constantly being updated and standardized, as far as the EU is concerned. .


1. The European legal order

A. The Institutions

1.1. General Considerations

1.2. European Council

1.3. European Parliament

1.4. European Commission

1.5. Council of the European Union

1.6. European central bank

1.7. ECJ

B. Duties and Competencies

2.1. The  Principle of Conferral

2.2. The Principle of Proportionality

2.3. The Subsidiarity Principle

C. About the sources

3.1. Original or Primary Law

3.2. Derivative or Secondary Law

3.2.1. Legislative Acts

3.2.2. Non-legislative acts

3.2.3. Legally Binding Acts

D. Economic freedoms in the European Union

4.1. The freedom of movement of goods

4.2. The freedom of movement of persons (workers, establishment, services)

4.3. The freedom of movement of capital


II. International trade law

1. Brief considerations on the principle of contractual freedom

2. The private initiative – constitutional considerations

3. Characterization of international contracts

3.1. Subjects in International Contracting

3.2. Constitution, applicable law and typical clauses of international contracts – The Rome I Regulation

3.3. The Unidroit Principles related to international contracts

3.4. The Convention of Vienna – International Buying and Selling

3.4. Incoterms

3.5. International distribution contracts – The agency contract

3.6. International financing agreements – The lease agreement and the factor agreement

3.7. Other international contracts.

3.8. Means of resolving conflicts arising from international contracts. International and transnational commercial arbitration.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental Bibliography:


  • CORDERO-MOSS, GIUDITTA, International Commercial Contracts, Cambridge, 2014
  • DIMATTEO, LARRY, International Contracting. Law and Practice, Wolters Kluwer, 2013, Third Edition, 
  • HENRIQUES, MIGUEL GORJÃO, Direito da União – História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência, Coimbra: Almedina, 2019, 9.ª edição, Reimpressão 2022;
  • INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE — Incoterms 2010: ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms : entry into force : 1 January 2011. Reimpressão. Versão bilingue inglês-francês. ICC Publishing, 2011 – Actualização de 2021.
  • MARQUES, M.M.L.; RAMOS, M. E.; FRADE, C.; PEDROSO, J. – Manual de Introdução ao Direito, Coimbra: Almedina 2014. 
  • PINHEIRO, Luís de Lima — Arbitragem transnacional : a determinação do estatuto da arbitragem. Coimbra : Livraria Almedina, 2005. 
  • SOARES, Maria Ângela Bento ; RAMOS, Rui Manuel Moura — Contratos internacionais : compra e venda, cláusulas penais, arbitragem. Reimp. Coimbra : Livraria Almedina, 1995.


Recommended Bibliography

● VICENTE, Dário Moura – Direito Internacional Privado, Ensaios, Vol.II. Coimbra: Almedina 2005.

●VICENTE, Dário Moura – Direito Internacional Privado, Ensaios, Vol. III. Coimbra: Almedina 2010.


●Other bibliography: see inforestudante.