International Marketing

Learning Results

The intention of this course is to establish the concept of international marketing as an important management tool
in today’s world.
The marketing in companies that operate in international markets are indeed a key issue for survival and a central
theme of his strategic management.
It will then be essential for students to get ready for a market where the boundaries between the domestic and
international will be blurring. More and more, the market that the company faces, both considered in terms of
consumers both in relation to the competitors, is the global and everyday market.
The knowledge to be developed goes through internationalization strategies, operability of those options,
development of marketing variables operating in the international context and also management and adequacy of
the challenges of internationalization in the structure of the company, specifically in the area of marketing.


Marketing and its importance in today’s world
Internationalization and the challenges of “globalization”
Cultures and policy responses
International competitiveness
Changing boundaries and challenges for companies
The international marketing applied to business
The international environment
Analysis of the conditions for internationalization
Political variables, technological and market
Different consumers
Competitive strategies
Evaluation of financial, human, technological and commercial skills
Selecting markets
The adequacy of the organization’s internationalization options
The Marketing Mix
The development of the variables in the mix to international contest
Programs adapted to different realities
Negotiations with international partners
Monitor activities in International markets
The international marketing plan
The growing importance of e-marketing in the context of internationalization




Brito, Carlos Melo, Lencastre, Paulo de (coordenadores), Os Horizontes do Marketing, Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 2000
Brito, Carlos Melo, Lorga, Susana, Marketing Internacional. Lisboa, Principia, 2006
Cateor, Philipe, Ghauri, Pervez, International Marketing, European edition, London, McGraw-Hill, 2003
Cunha, Miguel Pina, Duarte, Margarida, O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas, Marcelino, Ana Regina, Marketing. Conceitos e
casos portugueses, Lisboa, Escolar Editora, 2004
Kotler, P., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice-Hall, 1997
Kotler, P., Armestrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong, V., Principles of Marketing, Londres, Prentice-Hall Europe, 2004
Lambin, Jean-Jacques, Marketing Estratégico, Portugal, McGraw-Hill, 2000
Lemaire, Jean-Paul, Estratégias de Internacionalização, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget, 2001
Viana, Carlos e Joaquim Hortinha, Marketing Internacional, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 2004