
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Internship contents focus on the implementation and evaluation of the internship project, developed during the 1st term, supported and supervised by the tutor and the supervisor.
The assessment focuses on all the work and activities done during the internship, i.e., the preparation and execution of all activities, including ongoing or procedural evaluations, and not merely on the Internship Final Report-written document.The components and evaluation criteria, as well as the respective weights, are presented in Internship’s Regulation.
The Tutor of the Host Institution and the Supervisor of ESEC evaluate the activities of the interns, based on previously defined criteria and parameters (40% each one), among others, to factors relating to Internship activities of Preparation, Development and Evaluation of the Project, as well as his/her posture/ Professional Ethics. Internship Report (20%

Learning Results

It is Social Gerontology degree Internship goal:
1) To provide the interns, future social gerontologists, social, personal and professional skills, guiding them in their process of building professional acting experiences, by registering them in an area of social practices of reference, specifically close to what is their future professional reality;
2) To train the interns for activities that they will be likely to play, according to the profiles established for the degree in Social Gerontology.
3) To coach, using social gerontology specific methodologies, professionals that are able to understand issues related to the life cycle, able to identify and analyze the individual needs of a group or a community, and to design and implement dynamic gerontological intervention strategies.


Internships in Social Gerontology consist of a gerontological assessment, involving personal, family, institutional and community dimensions (incorporating into their research reliable and valid instruments) or in the design, implementation and evaluation of gerontological intervention projects adressed to individuals, groups and institutions, grounded by a gerontological assessment.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - see regulation - 100.0%




Emlet, C., Crabtree, J., et al. (1996). In-home assessment of older adults. An interdisciplinary approch. Maryland: Aspen.
Instituto da Segurança Social (2012). Questionário de avaliação da satisfação.Lisboa: Instituto da Segurança Social.
Instituto da Segurança Social (2012). Manual de processos chave: Lar/ residencial.Lisboa: Instituto da Segurança Social.
Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, Ó. (Coords.) (2012). Manual de Gerontologia. Lisboa: Lidel.
Paulos, C. I. (2010). Gestão de instituições para idosos. Lisboa: Verlag.
Pearce, B. W. (2000). Sénior living communities: Operations management and marketing for assisted living, congregate, and continuing-care retirement communities. Maryldand: John Hopkins University Press.
Pinto, A., & Soares, I. (2011). Sistemas de gestão da qualidade. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Ray, M., Bernard, M., & Philips, J. (2009). Critical issues in social work with older people. London: McMillan.
Santos, S., & Santos, M. (1999). Diagnóstico social. Lisboa: IEFP,