Base Knowledge
Knowledge acquired in the 1st year course units.
Teaching Methodologies
Tutoring by the superviser(s).
Learning Results
This curricular unit aims to provide the master’s student with on-the-job training that facilitates their future integration in the labor market, career progression or change of profession and the report aims to highlight the activities carried out during the internship (Article 21 of the Regulation of the 2nd Cycle of Studies at CBS|ISCAC).
Its main objective is the development of a research work in one of the scientific areas of the Master in Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems.
With this work, it is intended that students develop skills in research, systematic analysis and critical thinking, in scientific writing and communication, and technical skills in the topic addressed.
Development of the study proposed in the work plan prepared under the supervision of the supervisor, assessed by the Master’s Technical-Scientific Committee and approved by the Technical-Scientific Council.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Academic regulation of the 2nd Cycle of Studies of the Polytechnic of Coimbra, in Republic Diary No. 9858/2022, Series 2 of 2022-08-09, pages 242 – 274.
ISCAC. (2016). Guia para elaboração e apresentação do trabalho final de mestrado. ISCAC.
National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering (US), Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (2009). On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research (3rd Edition). National Academies Press (US).
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2019). Research Methods For Business Students (8th Edition). PearsonEducation.
Oates, B.J., Griffiths, M., McLean, R. (2022). Researching Information Systems and Computing (2nd Edition). Sage.
Bibliography defined in accordance with the scientific area and with the specificity of the theme proposed.