Internship II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The CU will be developed on an Internship regime, with presential hours of Seminar typology. It has the exclusively continuous assessment modality [100% = 20 values] considering the items:
1. Performance in the concrete exercise of the function (50%).
2. Technician’s file (10%).
3. Final Internship Report (40%).

Learning Results

1. Develop work, in a real context, under supervision, aiming at the consolidation of technical, relational and organizational skills relevant to the technical performance profile, acquired in the curricular part.
2. Creation of habits of critical reflection on real situations of training and / or competition experienced with sports practitioners, using this practice as a means and training opportunity.
3. Provide a practical experience of professional relationship with more experienced technicians.
4. Participate in the life of an entity that operates in the sports sector (e.g., Club, Association, Gym, Municipality, Company…), involving the relationship with the different members of a sports community.
5. Integrate the Intern in the sports system at local, regional and national level, through the acquisition of knowledge / skills on the structures and dynamics of each level of intervention.


1. Planning (sports season, didactic unit, session plan, training session, personalized training …).
2. Technical intervention (conducting training sessions, group classes, personalized training…).
3. Evaluation and pedagogical reflection on how the technical and competition intervention (when applicable) takes place, on the degree of success of the measures / proposals applied and the effects caused on the practitioners.
4. Technical file (Trainer, Physical Exercise Technician, Teacher…).
5. Final Internship Report.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Technician's file - 10.0%
  • - Performance in the concrete exercise of the function - 50.0%
  • - Final internship report - 40.0%




1. American Kinesiology Association (2011). Careers in sport, fitness and exercise. Human Kinetics.
2. Campos, F., Melo, R., & Mendes, R. (2021). Fitness e atividades de ginásio. Guia para profissionais. LIDEL.
3. Gould, D. & Mallet, C. (2021) Sport coaches’ handbook. Human Kinetics.
4. IPDJ, I.P. (2020). Referenciais de formação geral. Curso de treinadores de desporto. IPDJ, I.P.
5. Piovani, V., Vieira, S., Both, J., & Rinaldi, I. (2019). Internship at sport science undergraduate courses: a scoping review. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 100233.
6. Santos-Rocha, R., Rieger, T., & Jiménez, A. (2015). Europeactive’s essentials for the fitness instructors. Human Kinetics.
Nota: pela diversidade de tipologia de estágio será indicada aos estudantes bibliografia específica para o respetivo domínio do conhecimento.