Internship II

Base Knowledge

Knowledges of Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Technology, Interpersonal Communication, Professional Deontology, Counseling, Teamwork

Teaching Methodologies

Mandatory classroom teaching in a real work context.

Learning Results

1.Apply the theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
2.Demonstrate analysis capability review and discussion of the results.
3.Plan, implement and evaluate the techniques and methods in accordance with available resources.
4.Demonstrate capacity for autonomy and rigor in the technical implementation.
5.Demonstrate ability to “develop” efficient work.

6.Make accurate records and reports.
7.Demonstrate responsible behavior, according to the ethical and deontological principles.
8.Compose teams work in accordance with their respective skills and duties.
9.Apply standards of hygiene and cleanliness in accordance with good professional practice


Professional Internship II is mandatory for all students and has a duration of 30 weeks (840 hours).
Preferred areas: Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy.
Optional areas: Pharmaceutical Industry (Production, Quality Control,Investogation, etc.), Sale Stations of Drugs Not Subject to Prescription, Medical Information / Marketing, Regulatory, Radiopharmacy, or other, always dependent on the student’s interest and availability of places.
Students will coursel alternately the different sectors that make up the circuit of the drug include: reception, storage, distribution, Pharmacotechnics, Quality control, Dispense, billing, or others, according to the place of Internship.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Not Applicable.