Internship/Project in Biological Engineering

Base Knowledge

The recommended basic knowledge is the one related to the previous curricular units in the degree.  

Teaching Methodologies

Methodologies based on active and collaborative learning to promote positive interdependence between the intervenient, foster individual responsibility and autonomous work, improve communication, develop interpersonal skills, encourage self-assessment and periodic evaluation of the Internship.

Each internship / project has associated one or more supervisors, according to the areas involved in the field work, and a supervisor in the enterprise (if applicable). The student and the advisor / supervisor agree on a work plan, which includes a framework, objectives and a schedule of activities.

During the internship / project period, there will be follow-up meetings between the student and the advisor to ensure that the objectives are being met.

Learning Results

Students in an Internship must: Acquire relevant experience in an industrial / business context; Apply previously acquired knowledge and techniques in the business context; Work as a team and communicate efficiently; Plan the work, define goals and objectives and establish priorities to meet the established deadlines; Have an interdisciplinary and integrative perspective; Develop personal skills to evolve professionally; Develop the tasks in a professional manner, respecting the rules of the enterprise; Have the ability to write a final internship report objectively and clearly, using rigorous technical and scientific writing. In some cases, and whenever the student wishes, the Internship can be replaced by a Project to be developed at ISEC facilities with characteristics of research and development initiation, preferably of an applied nature, maintaining the main learning objectives.


Internship in an industrial/business environment in the area, or research and development Project in the area of Biological Engineering, or related areas.

Curricular Unit Teachers




The proposed bibliography will depend on the theme of the Internship