Intervention in Child’s Natural Contexts: Analysis of Practices in Early Childhood Intervention

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The course consists of 35 h Theoretical-Practical, in order to allow students to gradually acquire the necessary and fundamental skills for the performance of their activity in the area of Early intervention. For this purpose, participatory and dynamic methodologies that value learning and personal development will be used, namely expository, demonstrative methods (through the use of slides and viewing videos) and assets, namely simulated practices, in order to transmit the theoretical information and exemplify whenever possible with practical cases. Individual and / or group discussion and reflection activities will be provided to promote the sharing of experience and integration of the contents taught.

Learning Results

With this curricular unit it is intended that students understand what the central role of the Early Intervention professional is: supporting the child’s caregiver with a view to strengthening the interactions between children and caregivers in daily routines. Thus, the student should at the end of this Unit:

– To have an in-depth knowledge about the transdisciplinary approach as a model of coordinated and coherent intervention in supporting families;

– Acquire skills to support the teachers of daycare centers and kindergartens in implementing the intervention objectives aimed at promoting the involvement and participation of children in inclusive contexts;

– Understand collaborative consulting as a strategy to promote the skills and confidence of caregivers in promoting children’s participation.


1. The transdisciplinary service delivery model: The role of the Case Mediator

2. Visits to the child’s natural contexts:

2.1 Home visits

2.2 Visits to formal contexts of education and care

3. Collaborative consulting (between kindergarten teachers and Early Childhood Intervention professionals)

Grading Methods

  • - Knowledge acquired / applied in the context of individual work - 50.0%
  • - Other Participation, implication and dynamism in classes and performance in the proposed exercises - 40.0%
  • - presence and punctuality - 10.0%




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