Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The contents focus on the implementation and evaluation of an intervention / internship project or of research, designed in the 1st semester at curricular unit of Intervention or Applied Research Project.
In the case of Intervention / Internship, the evaluation focuses on all the work done the internship, that is, on the preparation and implementation of all Internship activities, including continuous or procedural assessments, and not exclusively on the Final Report of Internship – writing and public defense to a juri. The components and assessment criteria as well as the respective weights, will be explained in the Intervention/ Internship Regulation. Regarding the Applied Research, students must submit their final dissertation to a jury.
Learning Results
1. To analyze the challenges of aging, according to an integrated perspective, taking into account the biological, psychological, social, demographic, cultural and historical dimensions, proposing contexts adjusted solutions and socially innovative.
2. To promote the transition of older persons among life course and maximize their well-being and health.
3. To promote the quality of life of the elderly and positive social environments for the elderly.
4. To design, implement and evaluate individual, institutional and community development projects with and for the elderly.
5. To design and implement an applied research project in order to advance knowledge in the field of aging and improve interventions for / with the elderly.
The Intervention / Internship in Social Gerontology is a Gerontological Assessment in the context of work, involving individual, family, institutional and Community dimensions (incorporating in the research valid and reliable instruments) or the design, implementation and evaluation of gerontological intervention project, directed to people, groups and institutions, supported by gerontological asessment.
The option for an applied research includes the execution of a research project, one that includes as well the implications of the knowledge produced in terms of improving social action in the context of aging, in the particular context of the study.
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association ( ed.). APA
Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford University Press
Chong, K., & Cho, M. (2018). Creative ageing cities. Taylor & Francis
Creswell, J., & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Sage
Hulko, W., Brotman, S., Stern, L., & Ferrer, I. (2019). Gerontological social work in action. Anti-oppressive practice with older adults, their families, and communities. Taylor & Francis
Minayo, M., & Costa, A. (2019). Techniques that use speech, observation and empathy. Qualitative research in action. Ludomedia
Peace, S. (2022). The environements of ageing. Space, place and materiality. Bristol University Press
Serrano, G. (2008). Elaboração de projetos sociais: Casos práticos. Porto Editora.
Veríssimo, T. (Coord.) (2014). Geriatria fundamental: Saber e prática. Lidel