Base Knowledge
Physics, Chemistry and English.
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies: Presentation of concepts and case studies. Resolution of quizzes. Preparation of presentations, essays, reports, and quizzes.
Learning Results
After attending the course ‘Introduction to Bioengineering’ the expected learning outcomes are:
– Apply dimensional analysis and unit conversion.
– Write the chemical formula of inorganic compounds based on their name.
– Determine the composition of mixtures.
– Predict the quantities of spent reagents and products generated in a chemical reaction.
– Develop mass balances to systems and processes.
– Describe the gas-liquid phase equilibrium.
1. Units and dimensions:
Units’ multiples and submultiples.
Unit Conversion.
2. Basic calculations of chemical engineering:
Solutions: Concentration of solutions, ways of expressing concentration, and dilution of solutions.
Nomenclature of inorganic compounds.
Stoichiometry of chemical reactions: Classification of equations and chemical reactions, quantitative treatment of chemical reactions, and acid-base titrations.
3. Introduction to mass balances:
Mass balances to mixtures of solutions, mixing nodes in liquid and solid phase, homogenizers and equalizers.
4. Introduction to the phenomena of condensation-vaporization:
Physical states and changes in physical state.
Distillation operations.
Curricular Unit Teachers
– Goldsby, K. & Chang, R. (2013). Química (11.ª ed). McGraw-Hill.
– Madivate, C., Manhique, A., Júnior, P. M., Muiambo, H. & Sitoe, A. (2014). Química Geral e Inorgânica – Exercícios. Escolar Editora
– Madivate, C., Manhique, A., Júnior, P. M., Muiambo, H. & Sitoe, A. (2014). Química Geral e Inorgânica – Teoria. Escolar Editora
– Metcalf & Eddy Inc. (2013). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery (5.ª ed). McGraw-Hill.