Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
In theoretical classes, a theoretical exposition of each subject is made.
In theoretical-practical classes, equipment and tools are identified and a demonstration of their use is made.
In practical classes, practical work is carried out to apply the knowledge transmitted in the theoretical and theoretical-practical component.
Learning Results
Know and understand the operation of various machine tools; Interpret technical drawings for manufacturing components; Identify, select and operate equipment, tools and machine tools, according to the operations intended to be performed; Identify, select and operate production, measurement, comparison and tracing tools;
Know and understand how various welding processes work, and be able to operate the respective equipment; Know how to choose the best welding process depending on the geometry and functionality of the part; Carry out joint preparations, carry out welding seams and macroscopic inspection of the seams made.
Know and understand the operation of CNC machine tools and be able to compare them with their conventional equivalents; Know the fundamentals of CNC programming; Be able to plan the execution steps of a part, and select cutting tools and cutting parameters; Be able to create CNC programs; Understand the process of preparing a machining center and executing a CNC program to machine a part.
MODULE 1: MACHINING (15h: 5hT + 5hTP + 5hP)
MACHINE TOOLS: Operating principle of grinding wheel, saws, presses, guillotines, bending machines, drills, lathes, milling machines and grinding machines. PRODUCTION TOOLS, MEASUREMENT, COMPARISON AND TRACING TOOLS: Caliper pachymeter, interior and exterior micrometer, depth caliper, altimeter, comparator, ruler, square, gauge and ruler; MACHINING PRACTICES: Execution of operations on machine tools for manufacturing, repair and modification of mechanical components.
MODULE 2: WELDING (12h: 4hT + 4hTP + 4hP)
CLASSIFICATION OF WELDING PROCESSES: Brazing and welding-brazing, oxyacetylene welding, spot welding, coated electrode welding, MIG/MAG and TIG. WELDING DEFECTS AND INSPECTION TESTS: Different types of defects and destructive and non-destructive control methods. JOINT PREPARATION: Terminology, types of joints and factors to take into account when choosing a joint; Technological processes for executing chamfers. SPECIAL WELDINGS: Stainless steels, cast irons and cast steels, aluminum alloys, copper alloys. WELDING PRACTICES: Execution of welding seams on different types of materials and using different welding processes; Macroscopic analysis of the welds carried out.
Characteristics and advantages of CNC machines compared to conventional equipment. Coordinate system and rules for safety and operation of a CNC machine. Concept of machine zero reference point, workpiece zero reference point, tool length compensation and tool radius compensation. Procedure for changing the cutting tools, and selection of cutting parameters. General principles of CNC programming. Linear interpolation and circular interpolation. Drilling and Threading Cycles. Execution of completed CNC programs, using metallic and non-metallic materials. Demonstration of milling operations on CNC machine tools.
Curricular Unit Teachers
a) Bibliography
Completo, A., Festas, A. & Davim, J. P. (2009). Tecnologias de Fabrico, Publindústria.
Casillas, A. L. (1987). Máquinas: Formulário Técnico, Mestre jou.
Santos, J. F. Oliveira, Quintino, L., Processos de Soldadura, Vol I e II, Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, 1993;
Lopes, E., Miranda, R., Metalurgia da Soldadura, Edições Técnicas do ISQ;
Granjon, H., Bases Metalúrgicas da Soldadura, Publicações de Soldadura Autogénea.
Silva, F. Tecnologia de Soldadura: Uma Abordagem Técnico-Didática – Editora Publindústria, 2014-ISBN 978-989-723-062-2.
Kalpakjian, S. & Schmid, S. R. – Manufacturing Engineering and Technology – Ed. Prentice Hall 4 ed. EUA, 2001.
Relvas C, Controlo Numérico Computorizado – Conceitos Fundamentais, Edições Técnicas, 2000.
Amaro P. (2009), Controlador Fanuc Series O-M, Manual do utilizador, brochura ISEC.
b) Recommended teaching resources
Workshop technology laboratory: Various machines and tools.
Welding laboratory: Coated electrode, semi-automatic MIG/MAG and TIG welding machines; Grinding wheel.
Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory: CNC Machining Centers and cutting tools.