Introduction to Audiovisual Production

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes will have an expository component, in which key aspects will be taught in theoretical and practical terms. They will have a practical component, for the preparation of individual (50%) and group (50%) work. Assessment methods: continuous assessment (100% of practical assignments carried out in class) or evaluation by exam, in all assessement periods, (50% written test and technical test for the realization of an audiovisual piece 50%).

Learning Results

Acquisition of basic knowledge about team work in audiovisual production; understanding the different stages of video production; control of the fundamental concepts of audiovisual production; planning and conceiving shorts films.


1. Audiovisual sector. National and international panorama.

2. The figure and the role of the audiovisual producer.

3. Audiovisual production: visual, sound, and syntactic codes.

4. Script development: idea, storyline, synopsis, and script

5. Production, distribution, and financing of the audiovisual work.

6. From pre-production to post-production.

7. Introduction to Audiovisual Production 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual works - 50.0%
  • - Group works - 50.0%
  • - technical test - 50.0%
  • - Written test - 50.0%




Comparato, D. (1998). Da Criação ao Guião – a arte de escrever para Cinema e Televisão. Pergaminho.

Kindem, G., Musburger, R.B. (2009). Introduction to Media Production: The Path to Digital Media Production. Focal Press.

Hughes, M. (2012). Digital Filmmaking for Beginners – A Practical Guide to Video Production. McGraw-Hill.

Marner, T. (2010). A Realização Cinematográfica. Edições 70.

Millerson, G.(2017). Video Camera Thechniques. Focal Press.

Zettl, H. (2018) Video Basics3. Wadswoth / Thomson Learning.