Teaching Methodologies
The subject will be taught using a theoretical-practical approach. The concepts will be illustrated using images and videos related with the different topics. Field visits will be organized to: the ESAC forest, managed by ESAC (Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra), the Paúl de Arzila, managed by ICNF (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas) and to Quinta da Moenda, managed by LPN (Liga para a Protecção da Natureza). In these visits the students will contact with different activities associated with the conservation of nature, as with the people responsible for those activities.
Learning Results
1. Learn the ethical and aesthetical foundation of nature conservation
2. Learn the history of nature conservation in Portugal and in the World
3. Understand the different action lines of nature conservation
4. Identify the main problems of nature conservation in Portugal
5. Nature conservation as a job
1. Learn the ethical and aesthetical foundation of nature conservation
a. Philosophical and ideological aspects since ancient Greece until present times
2. Learn the history of nature conservation in Portugal and in the World
a. Leading figures of nature conservation across time
b. The role of NGOS’s
c. The role of protected areas
3. Understand the different action lines of nature conservation.
a. Managing the ecosystems
b. Managing the populations
c. Education, awareness and motivation of the society
d. Legal and institutional aspects, in Portugal and in the World
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4. Identify the main problems of nature conservation in Portugal
a. Habitat destruction and associated causes
b. The problem of invasive species
c. Wildfires
d. Poor management of hunting and fishing
e. We only love what we know
5. Nature conservation as a job
Grading Methods
- - theoretical exam + reports describing the field visits. - 100.0%
Alves, J., Espírito-Santo, M., Costa, J. C., Capelo, J., e Lousã, M. (2009) Habitats naturais e seminaturais de Portugal Continental, Assírio & Alvim, Lisboa.
Ildos Angela, S., and B. G. Giorgio. (2001) The Great National Parks of the World. New Delhi: Om Book Service.
LPN (2008) 60 anos pela natureza em Portugal. Liga para a Protecção da Natureza, Lisboa.
Primack, R B. (2004) A Primer of Conservation Biology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland.
Quercus (2005) 20 anos Quercus, Quercus, Lisboa.
Teixeira, F. (2003) Educação ambiental em Portugal. Liga para a Protecção da Natureza, Lisboa