Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Field Work: adding the students to a particular professional area with the objective of getting to know the professional contexts, the means and techniques, observation-participation methodology, as well as practicing the various integration phases in a work context, perceiving the scope of intervention and knowing the description of the reality and the collectives.
The total workload for the semester is 168 hours, of which 40 hours will be field work in professional context, 11 hours will be distributed for preparation, follow-up, reflection and critical evaluation.
The evaluation is continuous and cannot be carried out by exam, integrating the following assessment instruments:
• Required fieldwork in an institutional context = 50%
• Preparation of written materials to support and record fieldwork = 50%
*Also observe the specific methodological instructions contained in the A3Es file.
Learning Results
The main objectives for this course: The specific knowledge and build theoretical frameworks; identification and definition of policy object; application of knowledge: the practice of intervention;
Specific learning objectives:
• Integration in an organizational project
• Establish working relationships with the team, with users and with institutional hierarchies
• Analysis and critical reflection on the methods and socio-educational intervention techniques identified in different professional contexts;
• Develop and strengthen methods and intervention techniques in a professional context
• Understanding of professional intervention Socio-Animator under a theoretical framework and in relation to the ethical and deontological issues of the profession;
• Preparing a pre-diagnosis
• Defining the object of intervention
Construction of an appropriate intervention project to situations / problems identified
**See outhers in A3Es File
1) PARTICIPATE (specific knowledge phase).
•Document Analysis.
• Knowledge and study of existing legislation.
• Participation in work teams (time meetings, study sessions, seminars, etc.).
• Know her dynamic work in an interdisciplinary team, etc.
• Survey and analysis of needs and socio-educational potential
• Presentation of plans and needs Diagnostic reports
2) PLAN / intervene (application phase of knowledge).
• Technical and intervention strategies according to specific contexts of intervention;
• Design and / or selection of the techniques and strategies depending on the context and reasons for the choice;
• Develop an intervention plan in real context according to the areas and socio-educational intervention needs.
• Analyze and evaluate different techniques and project evaluation tools
•The report
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Written Materials Support - 50.0%
- - Laboratory work or Field work - 50.0%
ANDER –EGG, Ezequiel & IDANEZ, M. José (2007). Diagnóstico social: conceitos e metodologias. Porto: Rede Europeia Anti-pobreza/Portugal.
CORREIA, Virgilio (2017), “The Importance of Curricular Internships in the Academic Training and in the Construction of Professionality”, in Paulo Alberto da Silva Pereira & Osman Titrek (editors), ICLEL 2017, Abastract Book, 3rd International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Leadership for All, Porto: P.Porto – Escola Superior de Educação (Portugal) e Sakarya University (Turkey), p.
ESCUDERO, José (2004). “Análisis de la realidad local – Técnicas Y métodos de investigación desde la Animación Sociocultural”. Madrid, Narcea, Col. Guias para la
JANNUZZ, Paulo (2005). Indicadores para diagnóstico, monitoramento e avaliação de programas sociais no Brasil. Brasília: Revista do Serviço
JORGENSEN, D.L. (1989) Participant observation: a methodology for human studies. London: Sage Publications. Applied Social Research Methods Series, No 15.