Introduction to Programming

Base Knowledge

It does not apply.

Teaching Methodologies

It is used a learning strategy supported in experiments of subjects outlined in lecture, through the development of software modules:
a)   In the theoretical component oral presentation of the subject will be made, using chalkboard and Power-Point projections.
b)   In the practical-laboratory component students will develop software applications (using C language compiler), with special emphasis on the phases of problem analysis and solution development.
It is necessary an individual study of students out of class (for better monitoring of lessons)

The assessment consists of final individual written test.
The exams are essentially practical, and the approval requires a grade greater than or equal to 10 ([0, 20]). To be successful in the curricular unit is also required a minimum number of PL lessons attendance, which corresponds to about half of the PL classes taught.

Learning Results

–   Identify and understand the different phases normaIIy used to construct moduIar programs.
–   Be famiIiar with types, operator e expressions of C Ianguage
–   Know the different controI mechanisms of C Ianguage
–   Understand and know how to use the standard input-output functions of C Ianguage.
–   Understand the need to use functions and Iearn to identify situations in which they must be used.
–   ExpIain the advantages of the use of arrays and know to identify situations where they become necessary.
–   Understand and know how to use the String type (as weII as, the main functions that operate in Strings)
–   DeveIop simpIe appIications using the C Ianguage, having aIways in the mind different phases to construct a program (probIem specification, anaIysis, aIgorithm and impIementation.
–   The concepts apprehended in this discipIine must instiII in students the interest and the possibiIity to appIy them in the resoIution of simiIar and more compIex appIications, in a professionaI context.


–   Introduction to the C Ianguage
–   Types, Operators and Expressions
–   ControI mechanisms
–   Input and output data
–   Functions and Structure of a program
–   Strings and Arrays
–   Different stages in the deveIopment of programs, computationaI impIementation of simpIe probIems

Curricular Unit Teachers
