Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
he subjects to be taught will be implemented using theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical classes, in order to stimulate the debate, the research of themes and actual problems of tourism industry;
Whenever important, case studies related to the syllabus will be analyzed, as well as the viewing of films/ documentaries and others related to the tourism activity in general.
During the classes will be elaborated exercises of concepts consolidation.
Approval in the course is obtained with a minimum grade of 10 points.
The student can choose between 2 types of assessment: continuous assessment and final exam.
The assessment by final exam is a test of knowledge assessment, to be carried out in the respective assessment periods.
Continuous assessment results from the following parameters:
a) Individual test – minimum grade of 7 points required to continue continuous assessment (60%).
b) Participation and commitment during the classes (10%).
c) Final essay (30%).
Learning Results
1. Understand the principles of the tourism sector at a social, spatial, cultural, labor, political and economic level;
2. Know basic concepts in tourism;
3. Understand the interdisciplinary and systemic nature of tourism;
4. Use different sources of information related to tourism;
5. Recognize the main agents of the tourism offer;
6. Recognize the main agents, from the public and private sector, who operate in the national and international tourist market and their main forms of articulation;
7. Characterize the territory respecting the requirements of tourism planning, environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
1 – General framework for Tourism:
1.2 – Development of knowledge in tourism
1.3 – Concepts, classifications and types of tourism
1.4 – Characterization of the main periods in the history of tourism
2 – The tourism relations system
2.1 – Characterization of the elements that make up the tourist system
2.2 – Multidisciplinary and systemic nature of tourism: explanatory models
3 – Structure and organization of tourist activity
3.1 – Characteristics, structure and composition of tourist demand and supply
3.2 – Tourism and new technologies
3.3 – Touristic distribution chain (accommodation, transport, operators and travel agencies)
4 – Institutional organization of tourism:
4.1 – Main international and national organizations involved in tourism
4.2 – National, regional and local organization of tourism in Portugal
4.3 – Strategic tourism plans
5- Impacts and trends in tourism: economic, social and environmental
6- World Code of Ethics in Tourism
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Cooper, C. et al. (2008). Tourism: Principles and practice (4 th ed.). London: Pearson Education
Costa, C. (2014). Gestão Estratégica do Turismo: Evolução Epistemológica dos Modelos e Paradigmas, e Tendências para o Futuro. In C., Costa; F., Brandão; R., Costa & Z., Breda (Eds.), Turismo nos Países Lusófonos: Conhecimento, Estratégia e Territórios (Vol. I), pp. 19-40. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Cunha, L. (2007). Introdução ao Turismo. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.
Kronenberg, C. (2008). Change management in tourism : from ‘old’to ‘new’ tourism. Berlin: Erich Schnidt Verlag.
Mira, M. R., & Breda, Z., (2019). Internacionalização de destinos turísticos: Uma abordagem sistémica. Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Novas Edições Acadêmicas, OmniScriptum Publishing
Netto, A. P., & Lohmann (2012). Teoría del turismo: Conceptos, modelos y sistemas. Mèxico: Ediorial Trillas.