Inventory of Natural Resources

Base Knowledge

Knowledge in forest mensuration is recomended

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be theoretical and practical, in all the classes it will be carry out practical work, including fieldwork (forest, floristic and faunistic inventory)

Learning Results

The main objective of this curricular unit is to provide the technical and scientific bases for natural resources inventories. In the end of the course the students should be able to: (1) Know the most important sampling methods for forest and floristic inventories; (2) Know the most important sampling approaches for wildlife surveys; Know the application of remote sensing in forest inventory; (4) Know the most common biodiversity indicators; (4) Is able to plan , execute, analyze and present results, for a concrete situation.


The syllabuses for the acquisition of the three skills described before are divided into two learning modules: Module 1- Data collection methods in the framework of forest, floristic and faunistic inventory. Module 2- Development of a project of natural resources inventory in the field and elaboration and defense of the respective report.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por Exame
  • - Componente exclusivamente prática. - 50.0%
  • - Avaliação em exame com execução de uma parte teórico/prática. - 50.0%
  • - Module 2 (field work, report and discussion) - 50.0%
  • - Test theoretical / practice evaluation (Module 1) - 50.0%




Direcção-Geral das Florestas. (2001). Inventário Florestal Nacional, Portugal Continental, 3ª Revisão. Ministério da Agricultura. Editideias.

Gotelli, N. & Ellison, A. (2004). A primer of ecological statistics. 2nd Edition. Sinauer Associates Inc. Pub.

Kangas, A. & Maltamo, M. (2006). Forest Inventory – Methoodology and Applications. Springer.

Krebs, Ch. (1999). Ecological methodology. 2nd Edition. Harper & Row.

Marques, F. F., Buckland, S. T., David Goffin, C. E., Mayle, B. A., & Peace, A. J. (2001). Estimating deer abundance from line transect surveys of dung: sika deer in southern Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38(2): 349-363.

Mueller-Dombois D. & Ellenberg H. (1974). Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John Wiley & Sons.

Salas, R. (2014). Curso de formação em inventario florestal para os quadros técnicos das Associações de Produtores Florestais, das Câmaras Municipais e PE florestais, ESA/IPC – ICNF.

Salas, R. Fidalgo, B. Gaspar, J. & Morais, P. (2012). Monitoreo de la biodiversidad en el planeamiento del uso del solo, contribución de diferentes usos del solo en la riqueza de especies en áreas forestadas. In: Ordenamiento Territorial y Participación Social: Problemas y Posibilidades. Miguel Aguilar Robledo, Enrique Delgado López, Valente Vázquez Solís y Oscar Reyes Pérez (editores). UASLP, UNAM, CIGA, Semarnat, INE: 295?312 p.