Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint or similar tools.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes will be taught on a theoretical-practical basis.

The expository methodology will be employed to present the concepts of the curricular unit, strongly supported by practical experimentation through solving problems applying the conveyed concepts.


Learning Results

Nowadays technological society poses ongoing competitiveness challenges to both the academic and professional worlds.

In these contexts, mastery of Information and Communication Technologies is a crucial factor in the preparation and selection of future graduates.



In the Informatics curricular unit, the students will acquire competencies in various Information Technology applications. These skills will enable them to solve various problems in the field of Information Systems, as well as on how to optimize tasks inb this field.



In the field of Information Systems, the student should master, from a user perspective, an operating system, the interaction with Internet-based services, and a set of productivity applications for  word processing, spreadsheet development, and slideshow creation.


1. Brief introduction to using Internet-based services and file compression

2. Word processing

2.1. Review of text formatting techniques

2.2. Page formatting

2.3. Inserting objects and tables

2.4. Use of styles (titles and captions)

2.5. Generation of indices (general and figures)

2.6. Text correction

2.7. Mail merge

2.8. Text revisions and PDF generation

3. Spreadsheet

3.1. Cell, sheet and book concepts

3.2. Cell formatting and protection

3.3. Notions of formula, function, value and reference types

3.4. Generating and formatting graphics

3.5. Study of commonly used functions: mathematics/statistics, logic, query and

reference and financial.

3.6. Identification of different types of errors.

3.7. Study and application of date and time formats and functions.

3.8. Use of databases, filters (automatic and advanced), subtotals and pivot tables.

4. Brief introduction to the use of a tool for preparing slideshows.

Curricular Unit Teachers





1) Teaching support materials provided by the instructor (updated in 2023)

2) Fundamental do Excel 2013, FCA – Editora de Informática, Paulo Capela Marques / Nuno Costa, ISBN: 978-972-722-800-3
1) Aprenda Excel com Casos Práticos – Editora Silabo, António Gonçalves Martins, Bráulio Alturas, 2ª Edição (2022), ISBN: 978-989-561-236-9
2) Fundamental do Word 2013, FCA – Editora de Informática, Paulo Capela Marques / Nuno Costa, ISBN: 978-972-722-780-8
3) Fundamental do PowerPoint 2010, FCA – Editora de Informática, Maria José Sousa / Nuno Carocinho, ISBN: 978-972-722-692-4