IT Applications I

Base Knowledge

Mathematics, Informatics, Economics and Accounting concepts.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes in a computational environment on the ISCAC network.

Learning Results

Information Technologies and, in this domain, Computer Applications, have a fundamental role in most activities and areas of knowledge. The main objectives of the curricular unit “Computer Applications I (Aplicações Informáticas I)”, focus on the acquisition of knowledge in the field of Information Technologies, from the user’s point of view. It is also the objective of this curricular unit, to sensitize students to the importance of computer applications and, in particular, the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, namely in the resolution of specific problems, organization and processing of data, numerical calculation, construction of reports and presentation of conclusions.


1. Computer Systems: Introduction and General Concepts.

          1.1 Description and Characterization of the Main Components of a Computer System: Hardware and Software.

                    1.1.1 Computer and Internet Networks.

                    1.1.2 The case of ISCAC’s IT network.

          1.2 Information Processing, Categorization and Characterization of Software.

                    1.2.1 Notion of Operating System and its Importance.

                    1.2.2 Desktop Configuration.

          1.3 Data Management / Information Management.

                    1.3.1 Virtual Information Management Platforms.

                    1.3.2 The case of Google Drive (GD).

                     GD’s Potentials and Limitations.

                     Upload and Download of Information in GD.

                     Online Editing and File Sharing in GD.

                     Construction of surveys and forms in GD (Google Forms).

2. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.

          2.1. Application interface and layout.

                    2.1.1 Available features: Different Options and Access Modes.

                    2.1.2 Elementary Concepts and Operations: Spreadsheet Structure and Configuration.

2.2. Introduction, editing and data processing.

                    2.2.1 General Concepts and Data Structures. The various types of data.

                    2.2.2 Data Management and Organization.

2.3 Elementary Operations: Data Manipulation and Management, Editing and Calculation, Formula Building, Cell Formatting, Custom Print of a Spreadsheet.

                    2.3.1 Operations with cells, rows, columns and spreadsheets.

                    2.3.2 Cell formatting, custom formatting.

                    2.3.3 Absolute Cell Referencing, Relative Cell Referencing, and Mixed Cell Referencing. Creation and manipulation of names.

                    2.3.4 Creating and using custom datasets and lists.

                    2.3.5 Syntax of formulas, operators and error values.

                    2.3.6. Setting up and customizing the printout of a spreadsheet.

3. Study of Functions.

          3.1 Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions.

          3.2 Statistical Functions.

          3.3 Logical Functions.

          3.4 Search and Reference Functions.

          3.5 Chronological Functions (Date and Time Functions).

          3.6 Information Functions.

          3.7 Text Functions.

4. Static Graphics.

          4.1 Creating, Formatting and Customizing Graphics.

5. Advanced concepts.

          5.1 Data validation.

                    5.1.1 Basic definitions.

                    5.1.2 Incoming message and outgoing message.

                    5.1.3 Lists validation.

                    5.1.4 Custom Validation.

          5.2 Conditional Formatting.

          5.2.1. Predefined rules.

                    5.2.2. Creating and editing new rules.

          5.3 Systematic and personalized ordering of data.

          5.4 Subtotal Computing Tool.

          5.5 Automatic Filters.

          5.6 Data Consolidation.

                    5.6.1 Conceptualization and implementation.

                    5.6.2 Consolidation and grouping of dispersed data according to specific agglomeration criteria.


Curricular Unit Teachers




[0] Notes provided by the teacher on the official page of the course on the NONIO platform. 

[1] Luís Silva Rodrigues, Utilização do EXCEL para Economia e Gestão, ISBN: 978-972-722-775-4, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[2] Adelaide Carvalho, Cálculos Elementares com EXCEL – 74 Exercícios, ISBN: 978-972-722-873-7, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[3] Adelaide Carvalho, Gráficos com EXCEL – 95 Exercícios, ISBN: 978-972-722-876-8, FCA –Editora Informática, 2017.

[4] Adelaide Carvalho, Exercícios resolvidos com Excel para a Economia e Gestão, ISBN 972-722-472-5, FCA – Editora Informática, 2004.

[5] J. Gouveia, A. Magalhães, Curso Técnico de Hardware, ISBN 972-722-264-1, FCA – Editora Informática, 2002.

[6] Jorge Sequeira, Excel – Guião de funções para Economia e Finanças, ISBN 972-592-192-5, Escolar Editora, 2005.

[7] Katherine Smith, Lawrence Smith, Smith Murphy; Microsoft Excel for accounting: The first course, ISBN 013-008-551-0, Prentice Hall, 2002.

[8] Luís Silva Rodrigues, Utilização do Excel 2007 para economia e gestão, ISBN 978-972-722-499-9, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2009.

[9] M. A. P. S. Carvalho, Exercícios Resolvidos com Excel XP e 2000, ISBN 972-722-377-X, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2003.

[10] R. V. Monteiro, F. Neves, J. Pereira, N. Rodrigues, R. Martinho, Tecnologias dos Equipamentos Informáticos, ISBN 972-722-419-0, FCA – Editora Informática, 2004.