IT Systems Quality

Teaching Methodologies

This course follows the model of theoretical and practice lessons, with expositive component and presentation of case studies.

Learning Results

This discipline aims to introduce a theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the area of quality of informatics systems.
Knowledge about techniques and tools for quality management and evaluation.
Introduction to the dependability concept, their attributes, impairments and means to attain.
Knowledge about dependability assessment techniques and the latest achievements in the dependability benchmarking area.


1 Introduction
1.1 The software development process
1.2 Quality
1.3 Dependability
2 Dependability attributes
2.1 Reliability
2.2 Availability
2.3 Safety
2.4 Confidentiality
2.5 Integrity
2.6 Maintainability
2.7 Relations between attributes
3 Dependability impairments
3.1 faults
3.2 Errors
3.3 Failures
4 Means to attain dependability
4.1 Fault prevention
4.2 Fault tolerance
4.3 Fault removal
4.4 Fault forecasting
5 Dependability evaluation
5.1 Analytical methods
5.2 Experimental methods
5.3 Fault injection
6 Dependability Benchmarking
6.1 Goals
6.2 Needs and challenges
6.2 Structure
6.3 Conclusions




1. JC.
Geffroy, G. Motet, Design of Dependable Computing Systems, Springer, 2002.
2. H. Diab, A. Zomaya, Dependable Computing Systems: Paradigms, Performance Issues, and Applications,
Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
3. E. Fujiwara, Code Design for Dependable Systems: Theory and Practical Applications, WileyInterscience,
4. A. Avizienis, H. Kopetz, J.C. Laprie, The Evolution of FaultTolerant
Computing: In the Honor of William C.
Carter, Dependable Computing and FaultTolerant
Systems, Springer, 2000.
5. J. Tian, Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quantifiable Improvement, WileyIEEE
Computer Society Press, 2005.
6. R. Patton, Software Testing, Sams, 2000.
7. D.Galin, Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation, Addison Wesley, 2003.