Laboratórios de Eletrodiagnóstico

Teaching Methodologies

Nine practical group assignments, based on laboratory guides prepared by the teacher and with close supervision by the teacher.
Group work is subject to continuous collective assessment, complemented by two individual practical tests

Learning Results

Understand the fundamentals of the electrodiagnostic methods included in the program.
Assemble electronic circuits that allow their observation, developing general familiarity with circuits for biossignals detection.
Observe in practice the action of these circuits on human beings, becoming familiar with their application technique.



1. Determination of the galvanic potential of electrodes
2. Spectral analysis and filters
3. Determination of the impedance of electrodes
4. Implementation of a circuit to determine the bioimpedance
5. Implementation of a circuit to obtain the electrooculogram
6. Implementation of a circuit to obtain an electromyogram
7. Implementation of an electrocardiogram circuit
8. Implementation of a photoplethysmography circuit
9. Pressure wave velocity measurement with circuits from works 7 and 8




 Guias de laboratório preparados pelos docentes.
 Joseph D. Bronzino (Editor), “Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals”, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Third Edition, 2006.
 Joseph D. Bronzino (Editor), “Medical Devices and Systems”, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Third Edition, 2006.