Land Use Planning

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of Geographical Information Systems

Teaching Methodologies

The contents are taught in theoretical-practical classes where students apply the theoretical concepts to solve concrete problems. There are also tutorial classes that allow learning to be more tailored to the individual needs of students.

Learning Results


This Curricular Unit will enable students with the knowledge needed to adress problems of land use planning and having skills to participate in multidisciplinary teams that carry out studies of land use planning.

Students should acquire the following skills

1. to Know the organizational structure and legal instruments governing the processes of territorial planning ;

2. to Know the theoretical foundations and methodologies needed to contextualize from an environmental, social and economic point of view a particular spatial planning problem

3. to Know and uses methods and techniques of spatial analysis necessary for allocation studies or other planning problems.


1 Introduction to spatial planning, fundamental concepts

2. Spatial planning seen as the spatial translation of economic, social and environmental policies.

2. . Organizational structure and instruments of territorial management in Portugal, with emphasis on regional and local planning instruments.

3 Fundamental concepts of ecologically based planning.

4 Methods and techniques of spatial analysis in GIS environment for the TO.

5 Suitability models

Curricular Unit Teachers




Abreu, M. R. (2007). Estrutura Ecológica da paisagem. Conceitos e delimitação_ escalas regional e municipal, ISA Press, Lisboa.


Beinat E, Nijkamp P. 1998. Multicriteria Analysis for Land-Use Management. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press. p 1-13.


Burley JB, Brown TJ. 1995. Constructing Interpretable Environments from Multidimensional Data: GIS suitability Overlays and Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 38(4):537-550.


DGOTDU (2007) – Guia das Alterações ao Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial. Documentos de orientação DGOTDU 03/2007, Direcção Geral de Ordenamento do Território e Desenvolvimento Urbano, Lisboa


Malczewski J. 2004. GIS_based land-use suitability analysis: a critical overview. Progress in Planning 62:3-65.


Ministerio De Medio Ambiente (1998). Guia para la elaboración de estudios del medio físico – contenido y metodologia. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid.


Partidário, M. R. (1999). Introdução ao Ordenamento do Território. Edição da Universidade Aberta, nº 177, Lisboa.


Randolph, J. (2004) Environmental Land Use Planning and Management. Island Press. Washington.


Steiner, F. (2008) The Living Landscape: An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning. Island Press, New York, 2ªEd