Law, Communication and Marketing

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be developed through the use of: i) theoretical-practical sessions, with an initial expository component, analysis of legislation and discussion of group work on the topics of the syllabus; ii) practical sessions, around situations that illustrate the concepts acquired and where reflection on the way of acting is requested.

Each student must create his own legislation file, for consultation in class and during assessment.

Continuous evaluation:

Written test at the end of the semester: 50% of the grade (NB: if the assessment has to be carried out at a distance, this assessment element will also include an individual oral test);

Group work: 40% of the grade;

Classroom assignments: 10% of the grade

By exam:

a written exam (80%);

20%: an individual work to be defined with the teacher at the beginning of the semester and delivered (inforestudante) on the day of the exam. Valid for all exam seasons.    

Learning Results

1 – Understand and use the relevant legislation within the professions of Corporate Communications and Marketing;

2 – Understand the importance of guiding the professional conduct with respect for consumer rights and know how to integrate the different legal dispositions studied in this principle;

3 – Know how to consult a legal document and draw the necessary information for professional practice, for communicative action, understand the reason for these limitations and know how to integrate these principles in a reflection on the professional work of the communicator in organizations;

4 – Know how to analyze the organizational messages according to legal limits: know how to delineate a performance in this area within the legal limits and respect for the stakeholders of the organization.


I- Introduction to the study of law

II – Consumer protection

III. Defense of fair competition

IV. Legislation for the 4 P’s of Marketing

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%
  • - Exam - 80.0%




Legislação prevista no programa

Amorim, A.(2018). Manual de Direito da Publicidade.  Petrony Ed.

Carvalho, J.M.,(2014).Manual de Direito do Consumo”. Ed., Almedina

Costa, A.(2014)”O novo regime jurídico da concorrência”.  Vida Económica

Varela, J.S. (2014). O Direito para não juristas”, Coimbra Ed.