Base Knowledge
Contemporary Constitutional Law and General Theory of Administrative Law, curricular units taught in the 1st and 2nd semester, respectively, of the Degree in Solicitors and Administration.
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be taught through the exposition of theoretical content and its practical application. The teaching and learning methodologies aim at the integrated development of students in the knowledge referred to in the syllabus and the achievement of the established objectives and competences. The use of this teaching system implies an active participation of students in terms of study and oral intervention on the subjects taught. The teacher/student and student/student dialectic is accentuated, creating synergies of bi-directional communication geared towards reflection and discussion.
Learning Results
The curricular unit aims at the acquisition of knowledge by students of the legal framework of the means that function as protection or defense of those administered within the scope of legal-administrative relations.
Through this curricular unit, students must acquire/develop skills related to the interpretation and application of legal-administrative norms to the resolution of concrete cases.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main Bibliography:
ALMEIDA, Mário Aroso De; CADILHA, Carlos – Commentary on the Code of Procedure in Administrative Courts. Coimbra : Almedina, 2021
AMARAL, DIOGO FREITAS – Administrative Law Course. Coimbra : Almedina, vol. II, 2018
ANDRADE, José Carlos Vieira – Administrative Justice. 19th ed. Coimbra : Almedina, 2021
OTERO, Paulo, “Administrative challenges”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, n.º 28, 2001
QUADROS, Faust; ET AL. – Comments on the Review of the Administrative Procedure Code. 2nd ed. Coimbra : Almedina, 2022
SAMPAIO, Jorge Silva; COIMBRA, José Duarte – Second Degree Administrative Procedures at CPA. In Comments on the Code of Administrative Procedure. Lisbon : AAFDL, 2020.
Complementary Bibliography:
AAVV, Changing Administrative and Fiscal Justice, Almedina: Coimbra, 2013
ALMEIDA, Mário Aroso, “The implications of substantive law of the reform of administrative litigation”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, 2002
ALMEIDA, Mário Aroso, Manual of Administrative Procedure, Almedina: Coimbra, 2022
ANDRADE, José Carlos Vieira, “In defense of hierarchical appeal”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, n.º 0, 1996
FONSECA, Isabel Celeste, “Rethinking administrative challenges between the effectiveness of the process and the unit of administrative action”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, n.º 82, 2010
FONSECA, Isabel Celeste M. – Course in Theoretical-Practical Administrative Procedural Law. 2nd ed. Coimbra : Almedina, 2022
OLIVEIRA, António Cândido, “The “silence” and the “last word” of Public Administration”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, n.º 19, 2000
SILVA, Vasco Pereira, Administrative Litigation on the Psychoanalytic Divan – Essay on Actions in the New Administrative Process, Almedina: Coimbra, 2013