
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Attending to the flexible, negotiated, shared and responsible management of the curricular unit’s dynamics, the methodology used is participatory and active. Students can choose between continuous assessment and assessment by exam. Continuous assessment is defined in the following ways:
1. Conception of a Literacy Project with pedagogical intention: Theme and theoretical foundation, Audience, Objectives (general and specific), Activities, Expected Results, Assessment Instruments and their parameters (20% of the evaluation);
2. Development of a critical review on one of the theoretical foundation topics of the Literacy Project (30% of the assessment);
3. Presentation, implementation and evaluation of the Literacy Project proposal: Critical debate on the basic theme and project proposal (25% of the evaluation). 4. Final Report (25% of the evaluation).

Assessment by exam consists of a written test (100%).

Learning Results

Allow students to be able to introduce literacy goals in the framework of activities and projects developed in the most diverse areas with children, young people, adults, and elderly adults. Design and implement projects of literacy development in formal and non-formal education contexts. Develop community activities to promote emerging literacy among children, parents in general and, above all, parents with low educational qualifications. Promote projects to develop literacy skills with groups, communities and people of different ages, social and economic conditions and in situations of any type of vulnerability (school failure, social exclusion, unemployment or precarious employment, immigration…).


1. Concepts of literacy, literacy, schooling, competences.
2. Portuguese and European literacy.
3. Emerging literacy, failure prevention and educational contexts.
4. Family literacy and parental involvement in promoting literacy in children and young people (particularly for parents with low educational qualifications).
5. Literacy, equal access and the reduction of social and educational differences.
6. Paulo Freire: reading and writing as components of personal and social development; the full participation of adults in society.
7. Strategies and projects (transversal) of Socio-educational Animation for the promotion of literacy in children, youth, adults and elderly adults: Formal educational institutions (kindergartens, schools) and non-formal (libraries, associations, museums…).

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Project - 20.0%
  • - Research work - 25.0%
  • - Project Presentation - 25.0%
  • - Critical Review - 30.0%




Gil, H. (2019). A Literacia Digital e as competências Digitais para a Infoinclusão: por uma inclusão digital e social dos mais idosos. RE@D. Vol. 2, nº 1, 79-96.

Irving, C. J. (2020). Critical information literacy: Adult learning and community perspectives. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11(1), 65–76.

Mata, L. (2012) Literacia Familiar e Desenvolvimento de Competências de Literacia. Exedra, Coimbra: Esec, pp.220-227.

Patrão C., Soeiro D., Parreiral S. (2021) Media, Literacy and Education: Partners for Sustainable Development. In: Yusha’u M.J., Servaes J. (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of International Communication and Sustainable Development, pp.215-233, Palgrave Macmillan.

Rothes, L., Queirós, J. & Moreira, I. (2019) Plano Nacional de Literacia: Relatório de pesquisa. Porto: inED, Politécnico do Porto.

Rothes, L. (2019) Literacia de Adultos, Cidadania e Educação Social. Laplage em Revista (Sorocaba), Vol.5, nº 2, pp.50-60.

Soeiro, D., Parreiral, S. & Patrão, C. (2020). Animar com o coração: planear uma sessão de animação socioeducativa com (e para) pessoas de idade avançada. In S.P. Barradas & A. L. Oliveira (Coord.), Aprender, Envelhecer, Ser: Agenda Científica de Gerontologia – 2021, [pp. 49-55] Alma Letra. ISBN: 978-989-54628-7-2.