Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodology will initially go through a brief theoretical introduction to the subject. Subsequently, projects and activities will be proposed to be carried out throughout the CU. Thus, classes will be developed:
1) Theoretical-practical analysis and discussion of cases.
2) Application of competences in a project.
Learning Results
The curricular unit aims to develop skills that will train Communication and/or Human Resources professionals in municipalities in the production of projects, activities and products related to the area of internal communication. For this purpose, the following skills will be developed:
• Learning to create, manage and evaluate an internal communication policy based on objectives and strategic guidelines.
• understand the limits of internal communication and master the tools for effective internal communication.
• Elaborate an internal diagnosis of communication needs;
• Organize an internal communication project in your organization;
• Design suitable supports and tools to put the internal communication policy into practice in your organization.
1. Introduction to internal communication (IC):
a) The concept and history;
b) Types of communication – articulation
c) Integration into communication mix
d) Internal public
e) Organizational structure – role and location
2. Assessment of the state of internal communication
a) Different stages of diagnoses
b) Identification of problems
c) Methodologies to be used
d) Analysis of results, decision making
3. Intervention principles in internal communication
a) Publics definition
b) Objectives definition
c) Actions definition
d) Instrument management
e) Supports and tools
f) Activity analysis
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 60.0%
- - Work in the classroom context - 40.0%
- - Individual project - 100.0%
Camilo, E. (1998) Estratégias de Comunicação Municipal: uma reflexão sobre as modalidades de Comunicação nos Municípios Livros labcom. ISBN: 972-9209-67-7.
Camilo, E. (2006) Para uma Planificação do Trabalho Comunicacional nos Municípios, Universidade da Beira Interior, www.bocc.ubi.pt.
Carapeto, C. (2006). Administração Pública, Modernização, Qualidade e Inovação, 2ª ed. Lisboa: Edições Silabo, Lda.
Ewing, M. & O’Neil, J. (2019). Using social media to engage employees: insights from internal communication managers. Int Journal of Strategic Communication, 13, 110-132.
Fernandes, M. (2011). Comunicação Autárquica: contributos para as Auditorias de Comunicação. Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade do Minho.
Men, R. & Bowen, S. (2017). Excellence in internal communication management. NY: Busniness Expert Press.
Vercic, A. & Vocic, N. (2017). Engaging employees through Internal Communication. Public Relations Review, 43, 885-893.