
Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching-learning methodologies will be used:
1. Expository, using audiovisual means to explain the syllabus;
2. Activates, through the resolution and discussion of practical cases.

Learning Results

At the end of the curricular unit, students should be able to:

–    Apply the fundamental management practices, adapting them to the specific context and needs of the organization;

–    Recognize the fundamental principles and evolution of management thinking;

–    Identify the main challenges and current trends of management;

–    Introduce the concept of general management and analyze the fundamental functions of management and  its interdependence;

–    Analyze the main functional areas of organizations, such as human resources, production, finance and marketing;

–    Identify the various levels of management and the main tasks of managers;

–    Know the theory and practice of contemporary management from the perspective of planning, organization, leadership and control functions;

–    View the company as a social organization with its own characteristics;

–    Describe the organization process and the various types of departmentalization used in the definition of organizational structure of a company;

–    Establish the concepts of authority and delegation, responsibility, centralization and decentralization and their relations with the various organizational structures, advantages and disadvantages and options to be taken;

–    Analyze how the type of structure of an organization is determined by several variables, such as strategy, its age and size, technology, the environment and the existing forms of power and control;

–    Analyze the various studies on leadership and reflect on its importance in the organizational context;

–    Analyze the main contributions of theories on motivation for management;

–    Describe the communication process within an organization;

–    Analyze the domains of emotional intelligence;

–    Use models and management tools to assist decision making;

–    Critically analyze the scientific literature of the field and identify areas where they may develop research.



1. Organizations and management.

1.1.  The study of organizations: Concept, scope and objectives of the organization.

1.2.  Management and managers.

2. Management challenges.

2.1.  The evolution of organizational theories.

2.2.  Main contributions of organizational theories in the study of management.

3. The company as an organization.

3.1.  Concept, objectives, resources and capabilities of the company.

3.2.  The company and the environment.

3.3.  Structuring aspects of the company.

4. Management functions.

4.1.  The Planning.

4.2.  The Organization.

4.3.  The Direction/leadership.

4.4.  The Control.

5. The Planning function.

5.1.  Analysis, formulation, planning and strategic management.

5.2.  Analysis and strategy instruments.

6. The Organization function.

6.1.  The Organization Process and the structure of organizations – Departmentalization.

6.1.1.   Determinants of an organizational structure.

6.1.2.   Typology of organizational structures.

6.1.3.   Types of departmentalization.

7. The Direction function.

7.1.  Behavioral aspects of management – Motivation, leadership, communication and emotional intelligence.

7.1.1.   Leadership styles.

7.1.2.   Types and theories of motivation.

7.1.3.   The process, types and channels of communication.

7.1.4.   Domains of emotional intelligence.

8. The Control function.

8.1.  Coordination and control mechanisms.

9. Management models and tools to aid decision making in uncertain environments.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Carvalho, J. (2012). Gestão de empresas – princípios fundamentais (2ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.

Chiavenato, I. (2005). Administração nos novos tempos. Campus – Editora Afiliada.

Chiavenato, I. (2003). Introdução à teoria geral da administração. Elsevier Editora.

Costa, T. (2018). Gestão contemporânea. Princípios, tendências e desafios (2ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.

Ferreira, M., Reis, N., Santos, J., & Marques, T. (2010). Gestão empresarial. Lidel – Edições técnicas, Lda.

Goodwin, P., & Wright, G. (2014). Decision analysis for management judgment. John Wiley & Sons.

Lisboa, J., Coelho, A., Coelho, F., & Almeida, F. (2011). Introdução à gestão das organizações (3ª ed.). Vida Económica.

Parnell, G. S., Bresnick, T., Tani, S. N., & Johnson, E. R. (2013). Handbook of decision analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Pinto, C., Rodrigues, J., Rodrigues, R., Moreira, M., & Melo, L. (2018). Fundamentos de gestão (6ª ed.). Lisboa: Editorial Presença.

Robbins, S. & Coulter, M. (2011). Management (11ª ed.). Prentice Hall.

Robbins, S. (2003). Organizational behavior (10ª ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson Education International.

Sotomayor, A. M., Rodrigues, J., & Duarte, M. (2018). Exercícios de gestão das organizações (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Rei dos Livros.

Teixeira, S. (2014). Gestão das organizações (3ª ed.). McGraw-Hill.