Base Knowledge
Nothing to remark.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching and learning process is based on:
– classes of presentation and discussion of contents by teachers and students;
– exercises and analysis of practical cases in the classroom and on the ESAC campus.
Learning Results
Know the facts and scientific foundations that stimulated the creation of legal measures for Nature Conservation.
Know the legal and administrative organization of conservationism in Portugal.
Know the main values to be preserved at a species level in Portugal.
Know the main values to be conserved at the ecosystem level in Portugal and in the World.
Know the means for managing biodiversity, with relevance to forest areas.
Scientific foundations of conservationism. Cultural and material consequences of biodiversity loss. Measures to be implemented for Nature Conservation.
Legal-administrative framework of environmental conservationism. National and international legislation. Organization of classified areas in Portugal.
Specific biodiversity. Ecology, chorology and management of threatened species of the Portuguese flora and fauna.
Ecosystem biodiversity. The major categories of natural and semi-natural habitats at global, European and national level. Ecology, chorology and management of the main Natura 2000 habitats in Portugal.
Management measures for the conservation of the most relevant ecosystems in Portugal, specially for the forest types. Potential importance of game management for ecosystem management.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame Teórico-Prático - 75.0%
- - Trabalho Prático - 25.0%
- - Teste Teórico-Prático - 75.0%
- - Trabalho Prático - 25.0%
CABRAL, M.J. (coord.) – Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal (peixes dulciaquícolas e migradores, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos). Lisboa: ICN, Assírio & Alvim, 2006.
CAPELO, J. & C. AGUIAR (eds.) – A Vegetação de Portugal. Lisboa: CML, INCM, 2021.
CORTES, R.M.V. – Requalificação de cursos de água. Lisboa: Instituto da Água, 2004.
GROOMBRIDGE, B. & M. JENKINS – World Atlas of Biodiversity. United Nations Environmental Program, 2002.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats – EUR28. Bruxelas, 2013.
INSTITUTO PARA A CONSERVAÇÃO DA NATUREZA – Plano Sectorial da Rede Natura 2000. ICNB. Lisboa, 2008.
LOMOLINO, M.V., RIDDLE, B.R. & BROWN, J.H. – Biogeography. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2006.
MOREIRA, I. & FERREIRA, M.T. – Ecossistemas Aquáticos e Ribeirinhos – Ecologia, Gestão e Conservação. Lisboa, INAG, 2002.
REY, M., ESPIGARES, T. NICOLAU, J.M. (eds.). – Restauración de Ecosistemas Mediterráneos. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2003
SILVY, N.J. (ed.) – The Wildlife Techniques Manual. Bethesda: The Wildlife Society,2020
WILSON, E.O. – The Future of Life. Knopf, 2004.