Manufacturing Technologies

Base Knowledge

Those related in the Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes we use the lecture method.
In the theoretical-practical classes students take contact with the main tasks and operations that take place in a machining center and elaborate programs in CNC language, either manually or using CAM software. Different mechanical measuring instruments and laser scanner are used.

Learning Results

Operations to obtain parts by chip removal, starting from an initial form, until their final dimensions and shape;
To select tools and cutting parameters for machining operations;
To build manually CNC programs for basic milling operations;
To use Computer Aided Manufacturing software programs to create CNC programs for advanced machining operations;
Scan and modeling surfaces starting from mechanical components;
To know the main technologies used in the manufacture of prototypes;
To use measuring devices;
Contact with industry and technology centers where are applied and developed advanced manufacturing technologies.


1. Fundaments of operations to obtain parts by chip removal: Turning and milling. Machine tools and machining operations. CNC programming and computer-aided manufacturing.
2. Reverse Engineering: scanning and surface modeling, continuous scanning; interfaces to CAD systems, coordinate measuring machines (CMM).
3. Rapid Prototyping: Prototyping Technologies traditional, Rapid Prototyping, Stereolithography (SL or SLA); Manufacture of layered objects (LOM), selective laser Sintering (SLS), three-dimensional printing; Shaping by extrusion plastics (FDM); Thermojet; 4. Tools for measure dimensions.
5. Contact with industry and technology centers where are applied and developed advanced manufacturing technologies.

Curricular Unit Teachers




CENTIMFE, Ed. Manual do Projectista para Moldes de Injeção de Plástico: Fascículo 4 – Materiais para moldes e técnicas de fabrico, Marinha Grande, 2003-2004. ISBN: 972-98872-1-7 – Manuais e tutoriais do software Mastercam

Carlos Relvas – Controlo Numérico Computorizado – Conceitos Fundamentais, Edições Técnicas, 2000. ISBN:

J. Paulo Davim – Princípios da Maquinagem, Almedina, Coimbra, 1995. ISBN: 972-40-0878-9

John R. Walker – Machining Fundamentals, The Goodheart – Willcox Company, Illiinois, USA, 1998. ISBN:

Mikell P. Groover, Emory W. Zimmers Jr – CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice
Hall 1984

Prototipagem Rápida, Protoclick, Alves, Fernando J.L., Braga, Fernando J.S., Simão, Manuel S., Neto, R.J.L., Duarte, Teresa M.G.P. – Porto, 2001. ISBN: 9729537615