Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Some classes will include the exposition of theoretical contents and the related discussion within the lecturer and the students , as well as analysis of specific issues through exercises and practical work (such as market studies done by consultancy firms), which may be individual or in group. It is also intended that students are able to, upon request, conduct literature searches on the main topics discussed in class, and prepare for discussion or presentation in class of articles, excerpts from books and other support material provided by the lecturer. Some of these debates will be promoted by outside entities.
The students may choose between continuous assessment and final exam. The former results of the following parameters:
a) Individual test (50%);
b) Group work (40%), with tasks to be developed during the semester;
c) Interest, participation, initiative and effort during class (10%).
Learning Results
The learning principles that should be acquired comprise the importance of market research for the development of the tourist activity and includes aspects such as data collection and analysis as well as learning the different tools available for analysing the competitiveness of the markets and tourist products. It is intended the development of the following skills: organisation of market research, information analysis and collection techniques, tools that allow to evaluate the competitiveness factors such as SWOT analysis, innovation and latest tendencies, benchmarking, the creation of strategic partnerships and networks, and incentive mechanisms applied to tourist investment.
The role of market research in tourism
1.1. Objectives
1.2. Information needs for the development of tourism
2. Methodological framework on the study of tourism
2.1. Sources of national and international information
2.2. Problems associated with the collection and interpretation of data on tourism
3. Planning a market research
3.1. Defining the study object
3.2. Characterization of relevant factors in the study object
3.3. Analysis data techniques: SWOT, Benchmarking, others
3.4. Competitive factors analysis: finantial investment squemes, networks and partnerships, innovation and trend analysis
3.5. Data compilation
3.6. Analysis, conclusions and recommendations
4. Case studies: market studies within the tourism sector
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
Dolnicar, S. & Ring, A. (2014) Tourism Marketing Research – Past, Present and Future. Annals of Tourism Research, 47: 31-47.
– Finn, M., Elliott-WhIte, M. & Walton, M.(2000). Tourism and Leisure Research Methods: data collection, analysis and interpretation. Harlow: Longman
– Lambin, J.J. (2000). Marketing estratégico. 4ª ed. Alfragide: McGraw-Hill.
– Lindon, D., Lendrevie, J.(1999). Mercator: Teoria e prática do Marketing. Publicações D.Quixote.
– Veal, A. J. (2006). Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.