Market Research

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The academic year is divided into three components: lessons devoted to the presentation of theoretical concepts and practical examples, lessons devoted to the use of software and construction of the questionnaire; classes dedicated to supporting the simulation of a market study. The classes will be interspersed in a sequence that optimizes the acquisition of skills.

Learning Results

Understand the different stages of a market study. Get to know alternative research designs and concepts,
techniques and methods used in market studies. Suitability of the type of research for each case,
methodology, data collection technique and sample determination. Using multivariate statistical techniques
and other techniques for data classification. Understanding the potential biases and limitations of data from
market research. Use a software program (SPSS) for statistical analysis. Presentation and communication of


1. Introduction to market research
1.1. Formulation of research problem
1.2. Types of market research
2.1. Data Sources
2.2. Measurement and ranges
3.1. Types of samples
3.2. Sample design
4. Methods of data collection
4.1. Questionnaire design
4.2. Personal interviews by mail or by phone
4.3. Fieldwork
5. Analysis and interpretation of data
5.1. Data processing
5.2. Analysis of results
5.3. Multivariate Statistics

5.4. Preparation and presentation of the report

Curricular Unit Teachers





Babin, B. J. & Zikmund, W. G. (2016). Exploring Marketing Research, 11th Edition, Cengage Publishing

Gomes da Silva, A. (2022).  Guia para estudos de mercadoo. Ed Diário de Bordo, Lisboa

Hair, J et al (2018). Multivariate Data Analysis8th Ed.,  Cengage Publishing

Hill, M. M. & Hill, A. (2005). Investigação por questionário, 2ª Ed. Edições Sílabo

Malhotra, N. K. (2005). Introdução à pesquisa de marketing, Prentice-Hall

Marôco, J (2021). Análise estatística com o SPSS Statistics, 8ª Edição, ReportNumber Editora

Vicente, P. (2012) Estudos de Mercado e de Opinião – Princípios e Aplicações de Amostragem, Edições Sílabo


Burns, A.C. & Bush, R. F. (2005) Marketing Research, 4ª ed. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Malhotra, N. K. (2019) Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 7th Edition, Pearson