Base Knowledge
Basic concepts of programming, algorithms and data structures.
Teaching Methodologies
The following methodologies are used in this course:
1 – Expository method: an explanatory method where theoretical foundations and concepts are presented by the lecturer and discussed with the class, followed by demonstrative examples;
2 – Experimental method: an active method where the student develops knowledge through problem-solving and the development of individual laboratory projects or group dynamics.
Each class will consist of two moments:
1 – Introductory presentation: At the beginning of the class, the lecturer exposes and discusses the new contents understudy with the students;
2 – Practical application: After the introductory presentation, students develop worksheets and problem solving, individually and together, for practical application of new concepts, autonomously and under the guidance of the lecturer;
Learning Results
Upon completion of UC, students should be able to:
1. Identify primitive types, objects and data structures in Javascript.
2. Express the lifecycle of a webpage.
2. Identify the events available through browsers Web APIs.
4. Implement web pages with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
5. Implement SPAs (Single Page Applications) in ReactJs.
- Javascript History
- Objects, Primitive Types
- Declaration of Variables
- Data Structures
- Arrays
- Maps
- Sets
- ES6 Arrays Helper Methods
- Functions – Declaration, Expression and Arrow Functions
- Cycles and Decisions
- Web Page – Life Cycle
- HTML DOM Events
- CSS Flex Box
- Responsiveness
- Ajax Calls
- 10.ReactJs
- Components
- Class
- Props
- Events
- Conditionals
- Forms
- Router
- Memo
- Hooks
Curricular Unit Teachers
Abreu, L., & Carreiro, J. P. (2015). JavaScript 6. FCA.
Portela, F., & Queirós, R. (2018). Introdução ao desenvolvimento moderno para a web. FCA.
Portela, F., & Queirós, R. (2020). Desenvolvimento moderno para a web – do front-end ao back-end. FCA.