Base Knowledge
Mathematics of secondary school.
Teaching Methodologies
- Theoretical classes based on the oral presentation of theoretical concepts and critical discussion of their application to the resolution of standard exercises.
- Theoretical-practical classes based on individual support for solving exercises.
Learning Results
The objective of this Curricular Unit is to promote, in the student who successfully completes it, the skills listed below. As a result of the learning process, the student: 1. Masters the fundamental concepts of differential and integral calculus and the aspects related to their applications; 2. Identifies and solves 1st order ordinary differential equations.
Competence 1:
1.1. Derivatives
1.2. Antiderivative
1.3. Definite integrals
1.4. Areas and volumes by applying definite integrals
1.5. Improper integrals
Competence 2:
2.1. Differential equations of separable variables
2.2. Linear differential equations
2.3. Bernoulli differential equations
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste 2 - avalia os seguintes tópico do programa: competências 1.3 a 2.3. - 55.0%
- - Teste 1 - avalia os seguintes tópicos do programa: competências 1.1 e 1.2. - 45.0%
- - Exame - avaliação com apenas um exame final - 100.0%
Support materials for the Curricular Unit available on the inforStudent platform (
Ferreira, M. & Amaral, I. (2018). Primitivas e Integrais. Edições Sílabo.
Almeida, R., & Simões, R. (2017). Cálculo Teoria e Exercícios. Plátano Editora.
Almeida, R., & Simões, R. (2014). Primitivas. Escolar Editora.
Ávila, G. (2011). Cálculo das funções de uma variável, Volume 1. LTC.
Farlow, J. (2006). Introduction to Differential Equations and Their Applications. Dover Publications Inc.
Munem, A., & Foulis, J. (2005). Cálculo, Volume I. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara.
Interesting links:
Math is fun
Integral Calculator