
Base Knowledge

Mathematics  (high school).

Teaching Methodologies

It provided students with a theoretical support, throughout the semester, so that they can better follow the explanation of the subjects taught. The use of applied exercises requires students to closely monitor the progress of the subjects. The clarification of questions is done in time provided for the purpose or in time to be arranged. The NONIO platform is used in the transmission and organization of support to school materials as well as through interaction teacher / student and among students.

Learning Results

The main goal of mathematics is to direct the students in the study of complex numbers as well as the fundamental
concepts of differential and integral calculus, which will be useful in courses of specialty. More general
formulations of the various results are not presented, but rather essential to understand the basic concepts and to
understand the relation between the various concepts. It highlighted the close link between the theory and the
practice of differential and integral calculus, appealing to intuition as the main source of mathematical creation, but
without losing in accuracy and precision.


0. Review of fundamental concepts: complex numbers; derivative of a function. (6 hours)
1. Differential calculus: (7 hours)
1.1 partial derivatives
1.2 total differential
1.3 applications and examples
2. Integrals and Primitives
2.1 Indefinite integral or Primitives (12 hours)
2.1.1.Immediate integrals
2.1.2. Integration by parts
2.1.3 Integration by substitution
2.1.4 Integration of rational functions
2.2 Definite integral (3 hours)
2.2.1 definition and properties
2.2.2 integration by substitution and integration by parts
3 – Differential Equations (13 hours)
3.1. Introduction: the order of equation, general and particular solutions, initial value.
3.2. First order equations
3.2.1 separable equations
3.2.2 linear equations
3.2.4 applications
Knowledge assessment (4 hours)

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. A. Gouveia de Oliveira (2009). Bioestatística, epidemiologia e investigação – teoria e aplicações, Lidel.
2.Cecília Moura Silva (1994). Estatística aplicada à psicologia e ciências sociais, McGraw-Hill.
3.Gilda Cunha, Mª do Rosário Martins, Ricardo Sousa, Filipa Ferraz de Oliveira (2007). Estatística aplicada às
ciências e tecnologias da saúde, Lidel.
4. João Maroco (2003). Análise estatística com utilização do SPSS, Edições Sílabo.
5. Pedro Marques Vidal (2005). Estatística prática para as ciências da saúde, Lidel.
6. Sónia Vieira (1998), Introdução à bioestatística, 3ª ed., Editora Campus.