Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The lectures will be of theoretical and practical nature, they will look for provoking and promoting in the pupils the participation and reflection about pedagogical, didactic and curricular issues. It resorts to the use of teaching and learning contexts related to the primary cycle of mathematics to teach, even to the research in mathematics education.
The methods will be various such as: exposition, discussion and critical analyses, offer of tasks. Collaborative practices will be promoted.
The assessment in this CU will be performed by students in one of two ways:
a) Continuous assessment: one written test, quoted from 0 to 8 values (40%); a group work, quoted from 0 to 6 values (30%); participation in classroom tasks, quoted, in total, from 0 to 5 values (25%); individual reflection, quoted from 0 to 1 value (5%).
b) Assessment by exam.
Learning Results
– To know: the thinking processes of the child, the content of early mathematics, the different components of early mathematics;
– To develop reasoning processes used in mathematics such as: unitizing, to compose and to decompose, to look for patterns and to organize information;
– To know powerful mathematical ideas for the early childhood such as: mathematization, connections, argumentation, number sense, mental arithmetic, analysis of data.
– Number and number sense; oral counting, object counting, comparing, ordering and estimating, estimation and numeral recognition;
– Arithmetic operations;
– Geometry: visual-spatial thinking, shape, composition and decomposition of geometric shapes;
– Measurement: length, weight, area, volume, angle;
– Patterns;
– Data Analysis;
– Mathematical process: reasoning and problem-solving; classification and seriation.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Frequency - 40.0%
- - Individual reflection - 5.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 25.0%
– Castro, J., & Rodrigues, M. (2008). Sentido do número e organização de dados, textos de apoio para Educadores de Infância. DGIDC.
-Clements, D., & Sarama, J. (2009). Learning and teaching early Math, the learning trajectories approach. Routledge.
-Ertle, B., Ginsburg, H., Cordero, M., Curran, T., Manlapig, L. & Morgenlander, M. (2008). The essence of early childwood mathematics education and the professional development needed to support it. In … (eds) Mathematical difficulties: psychology and intervention (pp. 59-83). Elsevier Inc.
-Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Buys K. (Eds.) (2005). Young children learn measurement and geometry. Sense Publishers.
-Manfield, H., Pateman, N. & Bednarz, N. (1996). Mathematics for tomorrow´s young children. Kluwer Academic Library.
-Mendes, M.F. & Delgado, C. (2008). Geometria, textos de apoio para Educadores de Infância. DGIDC.
– Muñoz-Catalán, M. C., & Yáñez, J. C. (Eds.) (2018). Didáctica de las Matemáticas para maestros de Educación Infantil. Ediciones Paraninfo.
-Silva, I., Marques, L., Mata, L., & Rosa, M. (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Ministério da Educação.