Base Knowledge
– Ability to conduct research, read and interpret concepts
– Ability to write and synthesize text
– Computer skills from the user’s perspective, digital document writing and the creation of work reports.
– Ability and motivation for research, use and application of simple software for the calculation of structures.
– Knowledge acquired on concepts of physics and mathematics: quantities, systems of units, notion of vectors and their characteristics, geometric and trigonometric relations, graphical representation of equations.
– Knowledge acquired and consolidated of fundamentals of mechanics: concepts of forces and moments, principles of balance and overlapping effects, calculation of reactions, efforts and their graphic representation for isostatic structures.
– Improve the cooperation sense, mutual help, collaboration and spirit of knowledge sharing, with practical interest for carrying out activities, individually and in working groups.
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be taught in Portuguese, having as object of work and learning the syllabus presented. It is expected that the lessons will have, whenever possible, different moments in the knowledge transmission methodology:
1) accompanied study in the learning achieved by the students, clarification of doubts and practical support at work and/or solving exercises/problems,
2) discussion and presentation of weekly research papers carried out by the working groups about contents of UC.
3) expository presentation of contents by the teacher, with possible practical resolution of example exercises, followed by discussion between the teacher, students and groups of students about the themes and exercises presented.
An expository presentation will be used during the explanation of theoretical subjects to support learning with the practical resolution of exercises. Students will be encouraged to carry out a practical work of technical and scientific interpretation and on contents and a practical interpretation approach through individual and group research. Without obligation, the research should result in information in a documents
made available to all students through the sharing of documents in the forum of the Inforestudante, platform, or even on student pages.
The learning will be monitored by the students, by clarifying doubts, supporting the resolution of exercises and guiding practical work, and there must be a writing of personal study works. The presentation of these documents, will be made every week, and by presentation in conversation groups and in the forum of the Inforestudante platform.
As long as it is feasible, it is considered, that during class hours, a visit to works or structures may be made, either on the Institute’s own campus or outside. To occur, students will be challenged to present images and description of the verified situations. Not being feasible, students will be encouraged to do, for their own
reasons, personal record of examples of works or structures of interest within the scope of the discipline’s content, being invited to present work with description and images of the observed.
These processes aim at the individual responsibility of the student, and at the same time, to increase the ation to knowledge sharing between, for and with the other colleagues. The student is individually assessed for the knowledge acquired, for their potential to interpret the intended objectives for the resolution and understanding of exercises and contents, as well as for their ability to organize ideas and
consequent exposure of knowledge. At the same time, you will be evaluated for your collaboration with your colleagues, either for the work developed in a group or for your motivation to collaborate in the learning of your colleagues.
After the academic weeks, each student will take a written test with questions about the syllabus, with space for presenting exercise proposals that demonstrate their ability to identify problems and their resolution. There will be a part of problems fundamentals for which a minimum quote will be required.
Learning Results
– Consolidate knowledge about basis of design of structures, actions and combinations of actions and the principles of verification of security and structural reliability;
– Know the topics of structural design, and concepts: rigidity and flexibility, displacements and deformations;
– Stress analisys and deformed diagrams in structures based on computational analysis using simple software for process of structures design;
– Know the methods of structural calculation and understand of physical behavior with efforts and displacements;
– increase the understanding behavior with knowledge application associated with the importance of structural performance in relation to solutions of sustainable options, about functional, mechanical behavior and the processes of management and execution of structures;
Generic Skills:
– Increase of skills in the areas of communication and transfer of knowledge and knowledge;
– Application and demonstration of skills acquired through methods of study and personal work in individual and group tasks;
– Increase of motivation to use self-learning methods and skills development accompanied by the expected teaching methods;
– Application of knowledge and physical understanding through technical, scientific and pedagogical interconnection;
– Development of competence for carrying out capacity and decision-making.
Specific Skills:
– Increase the critical action of for structurally sustainable solutions;
– Input the knowledge and ability to understand the behavior of building structures;
– Promotion of the ability to observe practical situations with a view to the need for intervention;
– promotion of the development of analysis and calculation methodologies as a sustainable response in the phases of design and construction of structures;
– Increase the form proposals to improve structural behavior and mechanical and energy efficiency in rehabilitation works, structural reinforcement or basic design.
1 INTRODUCTION TO THE MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES – CLASSES, CONTENTS AND REVIEWS, curricular unit, learning process, teaching and assessment system; Review of contents covered in previous curricular units and subjects; Example of application of concepts, problems and questions and their practical resolution
2 BASES AND PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATION AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, Review and practice of exercises by examples of application in problems of Fundamentals of Mechanics; Problem solving presentation; Discussion about contents and importance for practical applications in structural assessment cases
3 STUDY OF SECTIONS AND STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, Typology of sections and elements, physical characterization and properties according to their geometry; Research on concepts of mass geometry; Presentation on applications of the concepts of mass geometry to different systems, structural or urban management
4 SCIENTIFIC-PEDAGOGICAL LEARNING IN ANALYSIS AND STRUCTURAL CALCULATION, Learning through research and study on mechanical and static analysis contents; Presentation based on research carried out and learning achieved; Discussion about contents and importance for practical applications in structural assessment cases
5 STRUCTURE CALCULATION APPLICATIONS, Calculation of practical application structures and demonstration of acquired knowledge; Presentation based on the practical work of manual calculation performed; Discussion about contents and importance for practical applications in the design of structures
6 APPLICATIONS OF STRUCTURE MECHANICS AND EVALUATION OF THE RESPONSE OBTAINED, Research and practical application of software for design, automatic calculation and structural evaluation; Comparison of simplified manual calculation results and by automatic calculation; Importance of the BIM methodology in the structural assessment and in the execution and monitoring of the work
7 SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND STRUCTURAL SUSTAINABILITY, Research on visualization concepts and examples
Definition of stability and structural safety criteria; Discussion about contents and importance of concepts and their application
8 INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES, Presentation of acquired knowledge and carrying out research on sustainable materials for the design and construction of structures; Presentation of acquired knowledge and research on sustainable structural solutions and systems of viable use in the design and construction of structures; Discussion about contents and importance of concepts and their application
9 DIDACTIC-PEDAGOGICAL LEARNING FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN, Research of ludic-didactic learning contents for the design of structures; Research and compilation of important information for the definition of didactic test models aiming at their possible realization until the end of the academic period; Presentation of practical work proposal for design and experimentation – project proposal
10 PRACTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL APPLICATION IN STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS, Presentation of a model-model project for testing or for technical exhibition; Execution of model-model and test test or demonstration of value for technical exhibition; Evaluation contest and debate on presentations of comparable solution models
11 ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE DISCLOSURE ACTIONS, Research on ways of disclosing content; Proposal of themes and content to be disseminated; Proven presentation of published content
12 MATERIALS AND TYPOLOGY OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES, Demonstration of knowledge about traditional and innovative materials used in structures; Demonstration of knowledge about typology of traditional and innovative structural solutions; Demonstration of knowledge about typology of new sustainable structural solutions
13 DESIGN, EXECUTION AND MANAGEMENT OF STRUCTURES: DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND USEFUL LIFE, Research on circular economy associated with the construction of structures; Importance of the BIM methodology in the design, execution and management of structures; Discussion about contents and importance of concepts and their application
14 PROPOSALS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF STRUCTURES, Contribution/vision on contents developed in this work; Proposals/suggestions on contents and respective description for the sustainability of structures; Proposals and suggestions on practical examples of calculation or case studies for descriptive analysis; Other proposals/suggestions
15 REVIEW, INFORMATION, DISCLOSURE, CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION, Examples of questions, problem statements, and their resolution/answers; Brief description of information proposals to be included in the UC; Individual description of dissemination contents (other information not included in Inforestudante);
Curricular Unit Teachers
1. MOTA, M (2017) – Reciclagem e reutilização de materiais recicláveis. Apresentação em seminário QUERCUS, 30/03/2017
2. BENTO, RC (2016) – Análise do desempenho ambiental de estruturas de concreto armado: uso da avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) no processo decisório do dimensionamento. Doctoral Thesis USP. São Carlos.
3. SORIANO, Humberto Lima (2016) – Análise De Estruturas – Formulações Clássicas. Editora LF Editorial.
4. RIBAS, DA (2015) – Metodologia de avaliação da sustentabilidade económica de edificios com base no ciclo de vida. Tese de doutoramento. Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Aveiro.
5. National Academies Press (2014) – Sustainable Critical Infrastructure Systems:A Framework for Meeting 21st Century Imperatives. Toward Sustainable Critical Infrastructure Systems. National Academies Press
6. Structural Concrete Textbook on behaviour, design and performance, Second edition. Volume 5: Through-life care and management of concrete structures-assessment, protection, repair and strengthening: fib 2012 Bulletin 62
7. ANTUNES, NDF (2010) – Edificios Verdes, Práticas Projectuais Orientadas para a Sustentabilidade. Tese de Mestrado em engenharia civil – especialização em construções. Universidade do Porto.
8. FERREIRA, BLA (2010) – Construção de Edifícios Sustentáveis Contribuição para a definição de um Processo Operativo. Tese de mestrado. FCT da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
9. MARTHA, LF. (2010) – Análise de estruturas -conceitos e métodos básicos. Rio de Janeiro. Elsevier.
10. Structural Concrete Textbook on behaviour, design and performance, Second edition. Volume 3: Design of durable concrete structures: fib 2009 Bulletin 53
11. LEET, K. M. (2009) – Fundamentos da análise estrutural. 3. ed. São Paulo. McGraw Hill.
12. BRAGA, B. (2008); Hespanhol, I.; Conejo, J. – Introdução à Engenharia Ambiental. São Paulo: Pearson Education, 318p.
13. MARQUES, LM. (2008) – O papel da madeira na sustentabilidade da construção. Tese de Mestrado em engenharia civil – especialização em construções. Universidade do Porto.
14. SORIANO, HL. (2007) – Estática das Estruturas. Método das Forças e Método dos Deslocamentos. Rio de Janeiro. Ciência Moderna.
15. PINHEIRO, MD. (2006) – Ambiente e Construção Sustentável. Instituto do Ambiente. IST. Lisboa.
16. Riley WF, Sturges LD. (1996) – Engineering mechanics: statics. John Wiley & Sons.
works and documents presented by teachers and students in previous years, available in Inforestudante,
Moodle and in the library.