Base Knowledge
Materials – the fundamentals of materials science and engineering.
Teaching Methodologies
The contents are, essentially, exposed in the theoretical classes, complemented by the subsequent presentation of models, mechanisms and technological systems of production or manufacture by deformation and casting, in a more applicable trend already during the theoretical-practical classes. In practical classes exercises and revised essays are carried out within each previous theoretical and theoretical-practical chapter.
Learning Results
The main aims of this course unit is to provide the students with necessary knowledge about principles of physics, operational features and practical applications for each of the forming processes, as casting and working processes, learnt, and how these processes should be selected, controlled and applied to each concrete case, to manipulate materials for the mechanical construction of components, equipment and systems. Introduction to powder processing and additive processes.
Another objective is solve theoretical-practical problems in the technological processes presented, resolution to be done mainly in theoretical-practical classes, that may, when necessary, be preceded by corresponding theoretical exposition.
At the end of this course unit the learner is expected to be able:
to know de proprieties and applications ways of engineering materials;
to understand the mechanisms that are part of the forming mechanical technology processes, know how these processes should be selected, controlled and applied in each specific situation.
Materials and processing. Classes of materials. Metallic materials: properties and plastic deformation mechanisms.
Technological processes of forming and manufacturing (general designations and characteristics).
Conformation by plastic deformation processes:
Rolling mill: Principles and definitions; Forces in action; Equipment: range and service specifications; Constitution of a rolling mill; General information about rolling cycles; Sheet rolling; Tube manufacturing rolling mills: Mennesman, Stiefel, Fassl and Pilgrim’s Step; Factors influencing rolling.
Extrusion: Generalities; Classification of conventional processes and processes by impact; Hydrostatic extrusion; Equipment; Extrusion variables; Deformation, Lubrication ande defects; Cold extrusion; Tube extrusion.
Drawing and deep drawing processes; Stretching: Introduction; Organization of a die; Types of machines; Chain and coil stretching; Preparation of material for stretching; Drawing regime; Tube drawing; Defects in drawn products; Lubricants for wire drawing.
Stamping: Generalities, types of stamping. Characteristics of the process, calculation of forces, process planning, identification of parameters and their optimization of the process.
Casting systems: Generalities; Foundry ovens; Molding sands – characteristics, agglomeration and processing; Males and male boxes; Molding processes; Feeding and injection; Temperature measurements; Molding behavior during and after casting; Metallostatic pressure; Part design criteria; Defects in castings; Laboratory tests.
Powder processing and its characteristics. Some applications.
Additive Processes: Generalities, types of processes and their characteristics. Some applications.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Recommended manuals:
Rodrigues, J., Martins, P. (2010). Tecnologia Mecânica: Tecnologia da Deformação Plástica, Vol. I (Fundamentos Teóricos) e Vol. II (Aplicações Industriais). 2ª Edição. Escolar Editora. ISBN: 9789725922798 (Vol. I) e 9789725922804 (Vol. II).
Kalpakjian. S. (2001). Manufacturing Engineering Technology. 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-201-36131-0.
Laue, K., Stenger, H. (1981). Extrusion. ASM, International Metals Park, Ohio. ISBN:
Capello, E. (1966). Tecnologia de la Fundicion. Gustavo Gili Editorial S.L. ISBN: 9788425202780.
Ferreira, J. (1999). Tecnologia da Fundição. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 9789723108378.
Supporting texts (by course unit teachers).
Complementary Manuals:
Kalpakjian. S. (2009). Manufacturing Engineering Technology. 6th Edition. Pearson. ISBN: 9780136081685.
Schey, J.A. (1999). Introduction to Manufacturing Processes. 3th Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780070311367.
Lascoeo, O.D. (1988). Handbook of Fabrication Processes. ASM, International Metals Park, Ohio. ISBN: 9780871703026.
Chiaverini, V. (1986). Tecnologia Mecânica. Vol II. 2th Edition. Makron Books. ISBN: 9780074500903.
Chiaverini, V. (1986). Tecnologia Mecânica. Vol II. 2ª Edição. McGraw-Hill.