Mechanical Technology

Base Knowledge

Materials – materials science and engineering fundamentals.

Teaching Methodologies

Oral presentations and written presentations according to the type of activity and content of the respective classes to be taught (theoretical and practical).

Component II, has as a working condition:

Use of protective gown.

Attention to mandatory safety rules in the laboratory.

Learning Results

Goals: To provide the students with necessary knowledge about principles of physics, operational features and practical applications for each of the welding and forming processes, as casting and working processes, learnt, and how these processes should be selected, controlled and applied to each concrete case, to manipulate materials, especially to metallic materials conformation of, for the mechanical construction of components, equipment and systems; solve theoretical-practical problems in the technological processes presented, resolution to be done mainly in theoretical-practical classes, that may, when necessary, be preceded by corresponding theoretical exposition.

Generic Skills: To know de proprieties and applications ways of engineering materials.

Specific Skills: To understand the mechanisms that are part of the forming mechanical technology processes, know how these processes should be selected, controlled and applied in each specific situation.  To understand the mechanisms that are part of the welding processes, thermal cutting and mechanical technology, know how these processes should be selected, controlled and applied in each specific situation in the material joints; to diagnose defects in welding processes and thermal cutting; to define all of the procedures to ensure necessary safety conditions and correct welding work methods; to identify the different welding defects and suggest methods to solve these.


Component I (CI)

Materials and processing. Classes of materials. Metallic materials: properties and plastic deformation mechanisms. Technological processes of forming and manufacturing (general designations and characteristics).

Conformation by plastic deformation processes: rolling mill, extrusion, drawing and deep drawing processes, stretching, wire drawing, stamping, forging.

Casting systems.

Generalities, principles and definitions on those forming mechanical technology processes, and respectively classifications.

Calculations and projects on forming mechanical technology processes, and equipments.

Manufacturing and resultant products. Tests (as field and laboratory tests on the processes learnt).

Additive Processes: Generalities, types of processes and their characteristics. Some applications.

Component II (CII)

Welding technology – definitions. Welding machines.

Electric arc welding process, MIG/MAG, TIG, submerged arc welding-SAW, SER and special processes, Plasma Welding, Flux core Welding.

Laser welding, Electron beam welding and friction stir welding

Thermal cut process. Welding Metallurgy – discuss and interpretation. Relation between metallurgy and welding processes.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Mandatory Bibliography:

Rodrigues, J., Martins, P. (2010). Tecnologia Mecânica: Tecnologia da Deformação Plástica, Vol. I (Fundamentos Teóricos) e Vol. II (Aplicações Industriais). 2ª Edição. Escolar Editora. ISBN: 9789725922798 (Vol. I) e 9789725922804 (Vol. II).

Kalpakjian. S. (2001). Manufacturing Engineering Technology. 4th Edition. Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-201-36131-0.

Laue, K., Stenger, H. (1981). Extrusion. ASM, International Metals Park, Ohio. ISBN:


Capello, E. (1966). Tecnologia de la Fundicion. Gustavo Gili Editorial S.L. ISBN: 9788425202780.

Ferreira, J. (1999). Tecnologia da Fundição. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ISBN: 9789723108378.

Koch, H. (1965). Manual de la Tecnologia de la Soldadura Eléctrica por Arco. Editorial Reverté. Barcelona.

Séférian, D. (1977). Las Soldaduras. Urmo, Bilbao. ISBN: 84-314-0065-X.

Richard, K.G. (1976). Joint Preparations for Fusion Welding of Steel. The welding Institute, Cambridge.

Sahling-latzin (1970). La Técnica de la Soldadura en la Ingenieria de Construcción. 1ª ed. Blume, Madrid.

Santos, J.F., Quintino, L. (1993). Processos de Soldadura, Vol. I e II. Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade Lisboa. ISBN: 972-9228-17-5 (Vol. I) e 972-9228-24-8 (Vol. II).


Non-Mandatory Bibliography:

Kalpakjian. S. (2009). Manufacturing Engineering Technology. 6th Edition. Pearson. ISBN: 9780136081685.

Schey, J.A. (1999). Introduction to Manufacturing Processes. 3th Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780070311367.

Lascoeo, O.D. (1988). Handbook of Fabrication Processes. ASM, International Metals Park, Ohio. ISBN: 9780871703026.

Chiaverini, V. (1986). Tecnologia Mecânica. Vol II. 2th Edition. Makron Books. ISBN: 9780074500903.

Chiaverini, V. (1986). Tecnologia Mecânica. Vol II. 2ª Edição. McGraw-Hill.

Rodrigues, A.M. (1998). Geometria da Soldadura no Processo MIG Robotizado – Factores. FCTUC, Tese de Mestrado.

Supporting texts (by course unit teachers).