Mechanics of Materials I

Base Knowledge

Knowledge about statics, internal forces and mass geometry

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical-practical classes we use the lecture method and inquisitive. During the explanation of theoretical issues students proceed to solve exercises individually or in groups. In class it will be also explored individual learning skills and teamwork through answering questions and monitoring of various theoretical works.

Learning Results

Soft skills: decision-making capacity; communication skills and expression; ability to ensure quality. Generic skills: ability to understand, analysis and synthesis; ability to solve problems; ability to apply knowledge and adapt to new situations; ability to perform work independently and in groups; development of autonomy in learning; ability to predict and make judgments. Specific Skills: know the theoretical and practical bases for the design of steel structures, masonry, wood and precast concrete; recognize, diagnose and prevent diseases to buildings and infrastructure.


1 – Stress and strain notions. Equivalence between internal forces and stresses in solid deformable bodies. 2 – Linear elasticity: constitutive laws; fundamental problems in elasticity type problems. 3 – Tension and compression in statically determinate structures; evaluation of stresses and deformations; thermal stresses; composite actions. 4 – Shear connections. 5 – Elastic bending in statically determinate structures; evaluation of stresses; composite actions.

Curricular Unit Teachers





  • Beer, F., & Johnston, E. (1989). Resistência dos materiais. Rio de Janeiro: McGraw-Will – 4-15-54 (ISEC) -06490.
  • Branco, C. A. (1985). Mecânica dos materiais. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian – 4-14-82 (ISEC) – 11190.
  • Popov, E. (1990). Engineering mechanics of solids. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall – 4-15-22 (ISEC) – 07632.
  • Silva, V. D. (1999). Mecânica e resistência dos materiais. Coimbra: Zuari – Edição de Livros Técnicos, – 4-15-101 (ISEC) – 10591.


  • Frey F. (1994) Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Statique appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
  • Frey F. (1994) Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Mécanique des structures. Traité de Génie Civil de l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 2, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
  • Massonet C e Cescotto S. (1994) Mécanique des matériaux. Biblioteque des Universités – Genie Civil, De BoeckWesmael.
  • Apontamentos preparados por docentes e outros.