
Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of electronics and Arduino programming

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes: expository method
Practical/laboratory classes: practical assignments

Learning Results

Understanding mechatronics as a multidisciplinary area of great importance in the field of robotics
Know and design signal conditioners for connecting analog sensors to electronic controllers
Know the main actuators used in mechatronics with special incidence on direct current motors and step-by-step motors
Knowing how to analyze drivers for actuators with domain of application in mechatronics


Introduction to mechatronics: framework, characteristics and functional requirements
Signal conditioning for sensors
The DC motor: operating characteristics; speed control and direction of rotation; applications
The step-by-step motor: static and dynamic characteristics; control techniques; drivers
Position servomotor with DC or step-by-step motors
Sizing of motors and gearboxes as a function of load

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Avaliação prática - 75.0%
  • - Avaliação teórica - 25.0%




Robert H. Bishop: The Mechatronics Handbook, CRC Press, 2002
Slides of theoretical classes, available in the moodle