Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Given the markedly theoretical nature of the course, the direct expository method will be privileged, using multimedia materials, especially in lectures. Students will be asked to be involved in their own learning process, namely by reading texts and/or analyzing other materials provided by the professor during the classes, as well as through the analysis of practical cases.
Periodic assessment includes two written tests; in both the minimum grade is 7.5 points. The final grade is calculated by the arithmetic average of the test scores. In cases where the minimum grade for approval is not reached, the final designation will be NRC.
The evaluation by exam, at all times, implies the accomplishment of a written exam (100%).
Learning Results
At the end of the semester, it is intended that students have acquired knowledge about media history and development.
They should be able to contextualize them socially, economically, politically and culturally, as well as to understand the impact of cultural products that they spread in these different dimensions. Another objective is to develop students’ capacity for critical analysis, promoting their autonomy in the perspective of what the media would become.
1. Symbolic communication, technology and mediation
2. Media, censorship, propaganda and freedom
3. Press, public space and public opinion
4. News journalism, news agency and information as merchandise
5. Mass media and cultural industries: radio, cinema and television
6. Media in the hybrid digital ecosystem.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Test 2 - 50.0%
- - Test 1 - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Adorno, T. W. & Horkheimer, M. (1985). Indústria Cultural. O Esclarecimento como Mistificação das Massas in Dialética do Esclarecimento. Fragmentos filosóficos. Jorge Zahar.
Briggs, A. & Burke, P. (2009). A Social History of the Media – From Gutenberg to the Internet. Polity Press.
Chadwick, A, (2017). The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. University Press.
Cristo, D. (2005). A rádio em Portugal e a decadência do regime de Salazar e Caetano (1958-1974). Minerva.
Habermas, J. (2012). A transformação estrutural da esfera pública. Investigações sobre uma categoria da sociedade burguesa. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Sousa, J. P. (2008). Uma história breve do jornalismo no Ocidente.
Tengarrinha, J. M. (2013). Nova história da imprensa em Portugal – das origens a 1865. Círculo de leitores.
Trindade, L. (2022). Silêncio Aflito. A Sociedade Portuguesa Através da Música Popular. Dos anos 40 aos anos 70. Tinta da China.